Media Team Acceptance letter: Billstr3


New member
Jul 28, 2023
Reaction score
Apun your review of my application I am very happy to say you have already accepted it before reading my application. I like to formally thank you for the acceptance letter and hope the upcoming application wasn't boring to read. Without furthur adu...

In-Game User: Billstr3

What's your age? (Preferred, but optional): 21

Do you have Discord? If so, what's your username?: Billstr03

Punishment History: Multiply bans, for either exploiting with fishing rods or exploiting with fishing rods on livestreams (P.S I'm not good at hiding "exploits" b/c I dont like exploits and want the staff to know about them before they are used and never told but un honest players)

Timezone: EST

Link any past or current applications: N/A

Describe your activity: Been playing sense the 1.12 version of the MazeRP server

What are you applying for? (Artist, skin-maker, video editor, or modeler): Artist and video editor/maker.

What's your motivation for applying?: I have enjoyed Cakecraft for years and through its up and downs it has been a bundle of fun! I dont see much advertisement in the schoolrp discord and that saddens me and I would like to fix that. I think mazerp would get more players if more players knew about the exciting activities.

What can you bring to the team? Artistic fun and quality videos. Ask and I can deliver, within reason as in all things. I'm big on the story of Mazerp and with what knowledge I can know I can implement it into the videos and or art yall might ask for. Here are some things I've drawn over the years I have on me if you wish to see physical works. If you want more references and or updated works let me know. last link is a video
(only maze roleplay video I've made and haven't had the chance to make another).