Lore Team Application.


New member
Jan 9, 2024
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In-Game User:
What's your age? (Preferred, but optional)

Do you have Discord? If so, what's your username?

Punishment History
No History

Central Standard Time (CST)

Link any past or current applications

Describe your activity

What's your motivation for applying?

What can you bring to the team?


Two prompts will be provided below, fill them out with your best writing abilities! Make sure it aligns with MazeRP’s existing lore as much as possible.

Prompt #1 (200+ words): Write a story about a character arriving at the Glade for the first time through the box. The prompt can be written from any perspective.

Prompt #2 (200+ words): Create a story about the conflict between the Gladers and the Banished. The prompt can be written from any perspective.
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New member
Jan 9, 2024
Reaction score
Due to me accidently posting the application unfinished and not knowing how to delete it I hope using using this comment for the rest will help, somewhat. But here's the rest. Sorry if it was somewhat a problem. Still learning how to use this forum site and that.
Link any past or current applications
No other applications.
Describe your activity

My recent activity on the server as mainly been collaborating with other players as well as venturing into the maze to find other items that expands the story of this version of the Maze Runner. I've also been a part of this community for years and enjoyed every moment of it. Away from the server. I'm currently heading back to college for the spring semester.
What's your motivation for applying?

My motivation for applying is mainly due to my enjoyment of the series as a whole. As well as any project regarding the Maze Runner. As well as being a part of the community itself I have the sense of delving into the story that was created from this project and wish to be able to expand it and have others enjoy what I may bring if possible.
What can you bring to the team?

I can bring new ideas to the story that is ever changing. It can be at a random spot in the maze or even in a trial I can try my best to be able to enhance the story to my best to have other players enjoy what's to come. Just like how I enjoyed it before.

Two prompts will be provided below, fill them out with your best writing abilities! Make sure it aligns with MazeRP’s existing lore as much as possible.

Prompt #1 (200+ words): Write a story about a character arriving at the Glade for the first time through the box. The prompt can be written from any perspective.

As the Box rumbled and jolted to a halt, its metallic doors screeched open, revealing a world bathed in the morning light. A wave of wind rushed into the box, howling, a boy awoke. His head jolted and frantic he stumbled within the box to recollect his surroundings. Murmurs filled the box from above. His eyes glance towards the source to see a group of boys huddling at the opening of the box. "New greenie!" one says. "Can use him over in the slaughterhouse; the livestock can be a pain sometimes..." another says. With the boys’ conversation continuing, the new Greenie stepped forward to a pile of supplies to begin to climb. "Welcome to the Glade Greenie." he hears. Squinting his eyes, he looks towards the light once more as he continue to climb out. The boys shake the newcomer's hand and guide him around. Adjusting his eyes once more he glances forward to see the sun cast long shadows across the uneven ground, revealing a patchwork of worn paths and makeshift structures. All enclosed by a massive stone wall etching across his surroundings in the distance. " So, what's your name greenie?" one asked. Hesitant, he peers into his mind for an answer. A word he tends to remember, yet it felt distance. "Hayden... I think." he answers as they walk towards a large wooden house. "Well Hayden, Welcome to the glade it ain't much but it's home for us."

Prompt #2 (200+ words): Create a story about the conflict between the Gladers and the Banished. The prompt can be written from any perspective.

Under the shadowed canopy of the Glade, where whispers of conflict echoed among the maze's stone walls, Marcus, a seasoned Runner, chronicled the unfolding strife in his worn journal. His pen scratched hurriedly across the pages as he detailed his clandestine missions into the forbidden territories occupied by the Banished.
The tensions are getting higher each passing day. It's getting difficult for us to even make attempts to leave the glade. Sometimes it's difficult to even reach the Outer Rim and make it back to the glade. They're getting smarter. Don't know if it's the anger they all have for us that fuels them but damn it's not easy. I've been stuck in the maze for days during some of my runs, hiding in thick ivy and high places really helped during those times. But during my latest nights hiding I've overheard their ideas for unfortunate Gladers they will catch. Killed, speared, even fed to the Grievers. It's monstruous. They really hate the ones that may have done no harm to them but only have that hatred due to them being safe. They're planning on raiding us soon. Better make treks to the Baggers and Med-Jacks to let them know to stock up on the necessities.
With the last wording etched into the journal, Marcus leans forward in his chair and takes his next steps towards the door to the runner's hut.


Jul 17, 2023
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Your application has been accepted.