Lore Team Application - AnIdiot


New member
Aug 3, 2024
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Note: I discourage reading this application if you have not read the books, this includes the prequels. This is mainly for others getting ideas for their applications.

What's your age? (Preferred, but optional)
Late teens, won't specify exact age unless mandatory which it is not.

Do you have Discord? If so, what's your username?
toa_tmr - Jack Null in Maze RP server.

Punishment History
I do not have any punishments on the server.


Link any past or current applications
I do not have any applications that apply to this type of role. I am planning on applying for several other roles on this server being media and event team.

Describe your activity
I am very active logging on as much as I possibly can, I am a dedicated slicer and will hopefully get keeper of slicers. When I cannot log onto the server I still participate in the discord server. I spend about 10-15 hours on MRP each week, there is additional time spent in the discord server making it about 20-25 hours per week. I have very limited playtime on the server in comparison to other players and I am fine if that is an issue.

What's your motivation for applying?
I want to become a member of the lore team to create a entertaining and enjoyable server by creating a deep story constructed by the gladers and the banished. I want to make the server as lore filled as possible and alongside other people in the lore team that is a possibility I believe is likely to happen. I want to fix some minor lore issue as well. I have a dream of writing fiction and possibly fantasy, however I need help motivating myself to write and I believe this is an opportunity to motivate myself. I use deadlines to motivate myself and a position on the lore team would most likely and hopefully force me into a deadline. I plan and hope on getting a spot in the media team so I can make videos for the server that relate to the lore, I am currently trying to make a video for the potato and meat battle, I will most likely link it in with my media team application.

There is a missing trial, I believe this can be narratively fixed if there is a code or keycards that allow you to enter the trial and these can only be acquired by completing the other trials. This system locks most players out of even trying and for those who have completed everything there can be a eighth keycard that was lost with a banished or someone who died in the maze. I believe this can solve the issue while the trial is being worked on.

There are issues in how the greenies come up such as you can have them come up back to back at times and at other times none at all. I believe this can be solved by there being a rotation of messages automatically that come up in the box when greenies come in like in the canon universe when Teresa (Deedee) comes up with the note. I believe this can help the greenies understand the lore better and provide a reason for lots of greenies coming up at once. This can be added to by sending a note to the shipments if there hasn't been a greenie come up in a while.

What can you bring to the team?
I believe my thoughts and ideas on the lore of server can benefit the player-base's understanding of the lore. I believe the server has a vast majority of ways to enhance the lore. I think most of the lore is acquired from books and notes, I think there are better ways to do this such as using destroyed uniforms or items from WICKED to leave room for personal thoughts on the lore and also provide a hint of the outside world which establishes further lore.

I believe another way to do something like this is to have server announcements for unscheduled events such as griever raids when there are certain amounts of players online. I believe this can work because after the random events there could be multiple trials and areas open at once when there shouldn't be providing more access to lore.

I believe banished should have a greater purpose such as dropping notes hinting on how to find trials and areas or just hint at lore. This could work because it could be a WICKED employee that was stung and couldn't find the glade. This can also link into you being able to find WICKED uniforms and items. In my eyes, this can also enhance the players' understanding of WICKED. This can also allow mods with the 'WICKED' role to send certain things into the glade at random and most likely when there are a good amount of players online to enforce the connection WICKED has to the maze.

I believe the server should have a story that connects everyone better for example there could be more live events as stated earlier. I believe this would engage players more. Some of these events could reward with previously mentioned keycards that allow you to enter trials. This would require players to work as a community to get keycards to enter trials. The biggest issue with this is that it would make getting runner significantly harder but I believe players would still get runner and even if it is not an accepted change there are ways to fix it.

I believe these events can have multiple outcomes/endings based off of what players do. For example if the players either run into the maze and ignore grievers or fail to kill enough the glade would be temporarily destroyed/ on fire as seen in the movies and books. The hard part is that the entire map would have to be temporarily changed. I believe another ending could be that you chase them out and that would make every door open the next day with scratch marks on the insides.

Another event that could work is a raid of banished charging into the maze. This could be led by the previously mentioned WICKED enemies that have been stung. The glade could be inhabited by banished for a temporary time if the gladers fail. The gladers and banished roles would be reversed in the sense of the banished would spawn in the glade while the gladers would spawn in the maze. To make sure players spawn in the maze they would not be able to become banished while this was active. However if you were a banished player before you would still spawn in the glade.

I think you could also do a hunger event where the food in the glade temporarily disappears, this would require cooks not being able to use /feed. I think this could be resolved early by clearing out all the banished at the banished camps. They would have taken all of the food.

I believe all the events should get ways to end the temporary time faster. I also think that each event that takes something or does something should prevent access to the trials while active.

I know I diverted from the question a bit to summarise, I can aid in making lore for items that currently don't have any actual lore. I think my writing style will suit the current lore of the glade, you can experience this style in the next section. This would most likely require a new skin/skins for them and I am willing to work on those types of things if required. I will model block bench if needed for items and armour such as uniforms or unique keycards. I am willing to also build maps if necessary as I am suggesting massive changes. I offer my passion and dedication to this position, I am willing to put in the time needed.


Two prompts will be provided below, fill them out with your best writing abilities! Make sure it aligns with MazeRP’s existing lore as much as possible.

Prompt #1 (200+ words): Write a story about a character arriving at the Glade for the first time through the box. The prompt can be written from any perspective.

My eyes flicked through consciousness, fading through into darkness. Staring into the dark abyss that a floor of metal prevented me from falling through. I stood up as a wave of shock hit me.

"Where am I? No, who am I?"

I stumbled backwards landing on a small box. I turned and gazed at the box. A silver writing hung across the smashed top.

It read WICKED.

My hands shot down to clutch the small lid, I slowly peeled it off. My mind rushed with confusion, anger and sadness.
A haze of memories shot through my head, the faces of the people blurred. My head rumbled in agony apexing at the only face I could remember. It was a boy, he was screaming uncontrollably.

The box contained a note. WICKED is good.

I dropped the note swiftly, why is that important, what have they done?

The scream, it boiled through my head. The darkness whispering to my soul. The sounds of cages rustled through the metal box which was trapping me.

My head polluted with memories of faces I didn't even remember.

My voice mimicked the scream of the boy, of my brother.

The floor was moving, the cage was travelling upwards.

My eyes shot across the room searching for a way to end the agony. Boxes tumbled through the cage.

My eyes locked onto a beam of light. The colour was a dark shade of red, a shade of blood.

My hand reached down at the ground and slammed into the floor, as the cage froze. My hand slid into a crevice in the hard floor.

A box flung at great speed and hammered into my hand. A burst of agony shot through my fingers.

The noises and memories flowing rapidly in and out. My thoughts halted by a shining light. Sunlight.

My hand ached with great force as I peered into the light

Eyes peered down on me, my eyes burning in agony. A wall peered over them just like how they were peering over me.

That couldn't have been a wall, they wouldn't be here otherwise.

I forced myself to contain my agony, I needed to listen. I focused on the noises, shifting gears, sliding stone.

Was the wall moving?

It couldn't have been, the wall was 200-300 feet tall.

I focused in on a great screech that was ended but a scream, a scream outside the wall.

What was this place? It couldn't have just been a wall.

I forced myself to stand, I peered around me, walls incasing these people. But the most disturbing thing. There were doors.

My head echoed with growing agony from my hand. I stared down at my hand, my distorted hand, bloody and twisted.

My confusion interlocked with my agony, causing uncontrollable shouts of agony.

My blood dripped down my hand, splashing on the cold metal floor.

It all apexed in a wave of darkness. My life, it had been taken, this was my new home, my new prison.

Just before the darkness took over I remembered it. My name, my name was Jack Null.

I felt my body being lifted lifelessly by the boys.

"Who are they?"
Prompt #2 (200+ words): Create a story about the conflict between the Gladers and the Banished. The prompt can be written from any perspective. I wrote this from the perspective of Jack Null my in game character. It is a longer story than I originally planned. Word count: 2187. I hope you enjoy.

The grinding gears, shifting shafts rang through the green paradise. The noise was a normal occurrence. The sounds of twisting vines that clung to the walls twirled through the air.

The vines snapped and shrieked an unusual sound only heard in the night. The creatures would cling to the shifting walls, slashing at the vines.

But it was not night, it was no longer a day of peace and silence in the glade. It was a day that should have gone like any other, at least like any other greenie day.

A new greenie would be scheduled to arise from the box later that day. The last greenie had been a blond, tall boy that had been too curious.

He acted and we responded, it hurts for us to do what we did but we had to act.

My eyes shifted towards the sky, the blue sensation always seemed to hang over the glade on greenie day.

The vines screeched louder, more desperate for help. The vines were their shelter, they had returned.

“Jack, get over here and stop day dreaming, we have things we need done.”

It was Logan, he was a shorter boy with short brown hair and a scar across his leg. He never spoke of what had happened but Jack knew what had happened.

The roar of the doors sliding open echoed through the glade. Distant shadows sprang up from logs and benches against the walls. The runners were leaving, they must have noticed the noise of people beyond the walls.

I followed Logan. My eyes darted down to my hand, I thought about when I came up. It was only three months ago but it felt like forever. The agony, the confusion, it was something all gladers had to go through, I was just one of the unlucky ones. The ones who were scarred in the process.

I rushed the thought out of my head.

“Logan, what is it?”

My voice rambled along a small path. A wooden tower hung to the left of the path. A sign stood to the right of the path, arrows pointed in four directions.

They read “North door”, “South door”, “East door” and “West door”, each sign pointed in one of those directions. The arrow that pointed to the east door was slowly breaking off the rest of the sign.

“Jack, we need you in the cook’s hut, with so many cooks sick we need another for today, that is going to be you.”

Logan stated, he stated running faster towards the cook’s hut. My eyes flicked in confusion.

“Why does it have to be m- “

I questioned, Logan stopped and stared at me, his voice cutting mine off.

“Jack, we need you in the cook’s hut, Winston for you to do it. There is one person from each job doing it.”

“Fine but don’t think I’m doing it tomorrow.”

I remarked. Logan turned and faced forward, his head signalling that I had to head to the cook’s hut.

I should have been in the slicer’s hut, but instead I was forced to work in the cook’s hut. I knew it was just a day.

The boy started heading towards the bagger’s treehouse, he was a newest bagger but he had been here for 6 months.

My feet scrambled towards the cook’s hut, I stumbled into the hut. My hands clenched and head low.

“Jack, help Neil with the potatoes.”

A hairy tall, dark skinned boy said, his face stern. An apron hung over his white t-shirt. It was the keeper of the cooks, Frypan.

I stumbled into a small room decorated with boxes and crates full of food.

My body froze, contemplating why there were so many potatoes. The room was littered with crates of potatoes.

“Potato-mania in here.”

My voice rumbled. The head of a tall boy peered at Jack, he also wore an apron and a white shirt like Frypan. He stood behind a table facing the wall.

“Have you seen the meat you caused?”

The boy grumbled. His head swivelled back towards the table. A thud barked through the room as he cut a potato in half.

Jack and Neil started working on the potatoes. Hours passed before Jack was flooded with excitement.

A siren blared throughout the glade, a greenie was coming up.

Me and Neil ran out of the cook’s hut right behind Frypan. Gladers rushed towards the box, the place all greenies came up out of.

The metal top slid open, a small boy lay in the box. His smirk glistened in the sunlight, his eyes bright green. His hair light brown, his mouth shook, he groaned.

“What the hell is up with this place, first I wake up in box and now you idiots are standing up there like you’re better than me.”

His voice arrogant and swift, his body slowly got to its true height. He was about 15, his hair short.

His body climbed out of the box, his face held no confusion and anger, things most greenies have when they enter the glade.

“My name is Tom, who are you and where the hell am I?”

The boy barked, his voice getting more and more arrogant the more Jack listened to him.

“I am Alby, I am the leader of this pla- “

Alby spoke, his eyes shot towards the north door, towards the person who cut him off.

An asian boy who looks to be a little older than Jack ran out of the door, screaming. His dark hair swayed in the air, his voice roared.


He was accompanied by a boy with brown hair, his face full of terror.

“Minho what is it, what do you mean they are out there? We know they are out there, we sent them there.”

Alby barked, his face stern, his fists clenched.

“The, the banished…they ambushed us… they said they had already attacked the other runners. But… but the worst thing is that Terry, he is one of them now.”

Minho screamed, his voice filled with terror and hope.

“Alby, we have to get out there and fight, if they are telling the truth they have six people, six runners.”

A tall blond boy remarked, his face stern, it was Newt.

“Fine. Everyone get a weapon and head for the north door, someone get this greenie a place to rest, he stays.”

Alby growled, his eyes locked on the grinning greenie. His smirk seemed off, Jack thought about it previous gladers. Terry had the same grin, the same devious smirk.

Jack rushed to the slicer’s hut, he snatched his knife and a thin vest that held two knives. His eyes destressed.

Jack scrambled up the stairs within the slicer’s hut, his body colliding with Logan’s. His voice rumbled.

“There you are, you are following me and Jake when we run into the maze.”

My head nodded, eyes locked on the boy that was following Minho out of the maze. That was Jack.

I rushed up the stairs, making sure the knives in my vest didn’t fall out.

Logan and Jake raced behind me, we scrambled out of the building.

Our bodies gained speed, Jake’s eyes still frozen in terror.

We gazed as most of the gladers ran into the north door. Our legs sprinted past the forest.

We rushed through the north door, my hand clutching a thick metal knife. Jake clutching a dagger that most of the runners used. Logan held a spiked spear that made a V shape at the point.

Neil raced in behind us, his hand clenching a knife, a peel from a potato hung on his apron.

The screams and shouts of gladers and banished roared through the walls of the maze.

The group Jack ran with sprinted into an open section of the maze, a hole in the centre, vines crept from the hole.

Gladers and banished battling around the hole, a shining red light just like the one Jack had seen when he came out of the box flashed out of the hole.

Jack ran into battle, slashing at an infected banished. The boy’s neck wrapped in black vines, vines caused by the sting of a griever.

Jack stabbed him in the stomach, blood rushed from the wound. Spraying his vest.

The memories of when he came out of the box rushed through his head. The smell of blood, blood dripping down his hand.

He froze, a haze of his past flashed through his head. His opponent attacked Jack’s frozen body.

Jack stumbled back after each hit, he was getting to close to the hole. His eyes stared down the hole. It went down for about 50 meters.

He took as step back and expected to land on the ground but slipped into the hole. His knife slipped out of his hand. It plummeted into the hole.

Jack stumbled backwards falling into the hole. His frozen body snapped back to action. He grasped the vines hanging in the hole.

His hands growing in pain, he couldn’t hold on for long. The boy stared down at him, his eyes clouded with the virus. It was Blake. One of the original gladers to come out of the box.

Blake kicked at Jack’s hands. His shoes filled with dust and holes.

“Blake, this isn’t you, we have grief serums, we can help you.”

Logan roared, his eyes shot down at Jack. Jack’s hands on the verge of letting go.

“No, No! I can’t, it won’t let me!”

Blake barked in terror and rage. His eyes pleading for freedom.

Logan slammed the spear into Blake, pushing him away from the hole.

Logan dropped his hand into the hole, reaching for Jack. Jack clutched his hand, Logan pulled him up.

His body slipped up and out of the hole. He snatched another knife out of his vest.

Jack stared into the sky, the sun was setting. They had to get back to the glade.

“Everyone back!”

Alby roared, his body clashing against a tall brown-haired boy. It was Henry, the lead of the banished.

The two fought, Henry yelled at Alby.

“You pushed me and the others into this place, YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF LEADING THE GLADE!”

The boy slammed his fist into Alby’s stomach, he followed up with a slash to his stomach with a dagger.

“I am more fit than you by a long shot, you were one of the best baggers! SO WHY THE HELL DID YOU KILL MATTHEW!”

Alby barked at the boy. His spear slamming into Henry, ripping open a healing cut on his chest.

Blood flooded out of his chest staining his damaged shirt.


Henry screamed, his eyes flicked. His eyes weren’t red but they may have well been.


Minho roared, his eyes filled with rage.

Gladers rushed back to the glade, the sounds of their feet echoing through the walls. The Banished did not chase.

Jack turned and saw Neil running back towards the glade, the potato peel lay on the victim of his battle.

Logan stared at Jack, his eyes commanding him to follow.

Jack and Logan began sprinting back towards the glade, Newt and Minho following.

Arrows launched towards Newt and Minho.

“C’mon Newt, we need to run, your leg will have time to heal. So run”

Minho said, worry filling his voice. He stared down at Newt’s limp that had happened during his time as a runner.

Jack and Logan sprinted through the door, vines hanging off the sides.

The two began running towards the glade, their speed increasing but Newt began to limp more and more, his speed draining.

The volleys of arrows only growing faster.

Jack turned and stared at Logan, he had turned around. His body rushed towards Newt and Minho.

“Minho, get him back, I’ll make sure the arrows don’t get you.”

Logan stated, he snatched a small circular object from his pocket. He ripped something off the top, a pin.

He tossed the object in front of him.

A gust of smoke howled from the impact. It flooded the passage, it pushed Logan out of sight.

The arrows became random, flying into the smoke with no clear target.

Minho and Newt rushed into the glade, the two collapsing on a small bench.

Eyes stared into the smoke as it started to clear.

Logan emerged from the smoke, his leg impaled by a dagger. Terry pushed it further, stabbing it as far as he could.

“Terry, why? You only just came up!”

Jack yelled, staring at the two fighting.

Beneath Jack’s feet he felt the walls rumble. The doors were closing.

Each side closed in on each other.

Terry ripped out the dagger from Logan’s leg and swung it into his heart.

Blood burst into Terry’s face.

His face stained in blood, he stared into the glade.

The faces of the gladers, the faces of the shocked.

The horrific act ended by the slam of the door.

Notes and final thoughts:

My first story had a word count of 528. It follows my in game character coming up from the box. There were slight changes such as it being day rather than being night due to it feeling correct. I hope you enjoyed my story.

My first story had a word count of 2187 which is much longer than I planned. I wrote this from the perspective of Jack Null my in game character. I used some discord members characters such as Niel or IceMc.

When writing my entire application I used inspiration from Neeryu and Darkwing22's application. I tried not to use their ideas or at least discuss different topics with in those ideas.

These stories are similar things to what I normally write, for the most part I don't write fan-fiction but I found this very fun so I want to do more.

Thank you very much for reading and considering my application.

I hope to see you in the glade.



New member
Aug 3, 2024
Reaction score
I forgot to add my IGN which I covered in my last reply but my IGN has changed and is now 'NeoL3ss'


Jul 19, 2023
Reaction score
Unfortunately, we have decided not to move forward with your application. When reviewing applications we don’t only take your writing ability into account but also your presence on our server, and after discussions with the team we’ve decided that you aren’t a right fit for our team.