Keeper of Cooks Application | Lino | Nightgamer268


New member
Aug 25, 2024
Reaction score
OOC (Out-Of-Character)

Username: Nightgamer268

Discord: nightgamer268

OOC Age Range (Optional): 21

Activity Scale (How many days a week do you play on average?): I'm pretty active, if I have the time I tend to check the server every day. In college time it sometimes makes it harder to do, but I know how to manage my own time. Now, in the summer I check every day and when college starts it will probably be 3-4 days on the server and all days active on the discord.

Timezone and availability: CEST/CET

Do you have any punishment history on RoleplayHub (SchoolRP, MazeRP, or Creative)? If so, please state your punishments:

No, none at all.

Do you understand that the Keeper role is solely an in-character role, and that its permissions can only be used for in-character purposes? (Yes/No)


What experience do you have with roleplaying?

I have quite some experience with role-playing. From day to day action to battles and gatherings.
I have some experience as a role player, a bit on this server but also from outside this server. I also have experience in role-playing around an important role/ high rank in that particular world.

What is your motivation for applying for Keeper?

Honestly, Knowledge and structure. OOC and In RP, I'm a guy who wants a structured group where everyone can be safe and enjoy their time in the glade/server. Besides having a system/organization where everything runs smoothly, I also always want to give out the knowledge I and my character know of the glade.

IC (In-Character)

Character Name: Lino

Character Age: Unknown, he's been in the maze as one of the longest members (+7 years).

Please give a brief description of your character’s personality:

My character is a guy who is very helpful and is a very logical character. He likes to help people around the glade and transfer his knowledge from the years he's been in the maze. He never really talks about the times he went in the maze because it hurts him to think about the people who have been lost. He's a great friend to anyone with a great mindset and gives advice if someone needs it. He's a helping hand in the glade.

Tell us why your character would be a great pick for this leadership position:

I think Lino would be a great add to the keeper council because of the experience he has. He's been stuck in the maze for years, and so he is one of the oldest, most experienced and knowledgeable of the glade. You can always find him somewhere in the glade because he doesn't really go in the maze anymore unless for high importance. Because he's always in the glade, he's also very easy to contact if needed to be and help the green beans or gladers around the glade.

What activities would you host for your job members?

I would like to host group cooking sessions where we work with lots of food to get out to the gladers. How bigger the turnout, how bigger the chance for a feast. It's important to work as a team and have key communication. Besides group sessions, I would like to have cooks meeting occasionally, to make sure everyone is up-to-date with the kitchen system. The kitchen is a place where everyone needs to work together, so having feedback sessions on how the kitchen could be enhanced is always important.

How do you see your job and its role in the Glade?

To see the kitchen running smoothly in the glade. It's very important to see every chest filled with the right food and with the right ingredients. Besides actually working in the kitchen, it's also important to make sure every cook is correct, peaceful and concentrated to help the glade.

Besides keeping harmony and motivation in the kitchen itself, I also feel my role to be important to help every glader or green bean. It's very important to be the leader of the kitchen, but also to be a co-leader of the glade. There are many different jobs and gladers to keep count on. If a situation arises where I would be the only keeper online, it's also important to know the full glade and the jobs that it has to offer. Having experience in different jobs and on the glade itself is very important to my role and job.

As a Keeper, you will have authority over Gladers. How would you react to these hypothetical scenarios?

When sanctioning other Gladers, what would make the difference between an oral warning, the slammer, and banishment?

Foremost the severity of the wrongdoing. If it's a small thing it would be an oral warning, if it's bigger than that, we see a harsher punishment. Besides the severity, it's also important to know the people who did it, knowing how they would react or if they would do it again after the punishment. Last but not least I would also keep an order on how many times this person has commited crimes, if it's a first time thing I'll give a minor warning, but if it's a person who has a history and keeps repeating the same crimes it's to the staff (if very serious) or a bigger punishment.

Stealing would be a warning and slammer if it goes further than stealing a bit of food.

Banishment is something I would like to discuss with other keepers. I myself would ofcourse decide the final decision, but in my opinion it's very important to see other people's perspectives. Having a discussion between a few leaders can help decide a bigger punishment.

A Glader has been stealing from the storage, how do you react?

First I find out who it is and how much has been stolen. When I know the answers, I'll confront the person to speak up and tell the truth. If they confess I'll be able to work with it, if not I'll have to take action and hold them accountable with punishment. If this person keeps stealing or destroying food supplies, I'll be forced to punish them harder or even strip their Cook title( if they really are the worst of the worst), as it's very important to have capable and respected cooks in our kitchen.

Again, I do have to mention it all depends on the situation and person at the time. It's important to judge everyone the same, but having someone doing crimes over and over again will not be tolerated.

Warnings and slammer time would be one of the punishments for ignoring the orders.

A Glader has been giving precious resources to the Banished, how do you react?

Being in contact with banished and transporting our resources is a major crime. The banished are banished for a reason. The immediate reacting would be in the slammer for a while. In my opinion it's a very serious matter, if they keep doing it I'll be forced to make them join their banished companion. There have to be certain rules which cannot be broken.

Any additional notes:

I was a player of the old server (cake craft) for 7 years, where I've learned everything I know in this maze/glade. I know the responsibility of being a keeper, as I sometimes have been in the old server.
