Track-Hoe Keeper | CuddlyPandaLove's Application


New member
Aug 30, 2024
Reaction score
OOC (Out-Of-Character)

Username: CuddlyPandaLove

Discord: zodayic

OOC Age Range (Optional): N/A

Activity Scale (How many days a week do you play on average?):

I’m looking to continue playing at MINIMUM, 4 times a week, however every day when possible. Prior I had internet issues, yet they have been taken care of now.

Timezone and Availability:

My timezone is EST (GMT-5) / EDT (GMT-4)

Here is my weekly availability. Typically I am available on discord beyond these points (later into the night).

12 hour​
3:00 pm to 12 am​
3:00 pm to 12 am​
3:00 pm to 12 am​
3:00 pm to 12 am​
3:00 pm to 7:30 pm & 9:00pm to 2 am​
All day​
All day​
24 hour​
15:00 to 0:00​
15:00 to 0:00​
15:00 to 0:00​
15:00 to 0:00​
15:00 to 19:30 & 21:00 to 02:00​
All day​
All day​

Do you have any punishment history on RoleplayHub (SchoolRP, MazeRP, or Creative)? If so, please state your punishments:

None whatsoever!

Do you understand that the Keeper role is solely an in-character role, and that its permissions can only be used for in-character purposes? (Yes/No)

Yes, of course.

What experience do you have with roleplaying?


For years prior to my arrival to RoleplayHub, I would do purely text based roleplay that focused on extensive literature to form clear and well thought actions. These would usually extend to various paragraphs, however it would maintain its structure and integrated detail .


I’ve played SchoolRP for a long time, and here I am a part of the HS Swim team (based on detailRP) as well as a Lawyer (minor detailRP required).


In MazeRP, I’ve done roleplay related to conversations with people. I would love the opportunity to continue to interact with players and display my detailRP to the community.

Sample Actions

Here are some sample actions I have made to show a brief example of my skills.

Offering a cookie:

/me raised a brow in the direction of her companion, the woman allowing a brief yet warm smile to grace her delicate visage. As she shifted her 5’7 frame towards the individual, her right hand sifted through the satchel attached to her hip. After a moment, her hand grasped firmly upon a cookie that had been stashed for later. However, upon bringing it to light, she outstretched her arm to offer her companion the delicious treat. A sweet aroma filled the gentle breeze.


/me slammed open the door to the building that housed the formidable Medjacks. It was clear she had ran quite the distance, as her breath did not wane after various heavy inhales. The display of her fear was extensively present, those earthy brown eyes scanning her surroundings frantically. Her features twisted in desperation as she hurriedly made her way to the Medjack present. Before she began to speak, her figure shuddered ever so slightly. It was visible, this situation was of great importance to her, and for that she required the dire assistance of the Medjacks.

What is your motivation for applying for Keeper?

My motivation for applying for Keeper is the sheer interest I have in both Maze Runner and getting to know the community of MazeRP. I’ve offered to be the Track-Hoe Organizer for the discord server, and I currently enjoy listening to both my community suggestions and my own in order to implement a more structured format to the server. Examples of this are reaction roles and welcome messages, etc! More being worked on. I’m aware of the duties related to Track-Hoes and feel confident I can aid new players in understanding their role in the Glade.


IC (In-Character)

Character Name:
“My name is Juno Jaager, however you can call me Kit.”

(J ‘Kit’ Jaager on MRP)

Character Age:

“I’m the ripe old age of 19.”

Please give a brief description of your character’s personality:

Juno Jaager is a friendly young woman who enjoys spending her free time visiting places she doesn’t often frequent, nor is required to by trade (i.e., Mines, etc). This is the cause for her pleasant social interactions and soon to be developed bonds over time. She finds joy in sharing information, food and companionship with those in the Glade. A hard working individual, Kit places large importance on community and job operations that are safe for all involved. Encouraging others to pursue their dreams within reason, she has faith in all the Gladers.

Tell us why your character would be a great pick for this leadership position:

Juno is meticulous and organized, emphasizing a positive and clean mindset to guide her track-hoe companions to an improved quality of life. She is well versed in communication skills, and takes pleasure in helping all those around her. The woman would be an excellent mentor, and can easily help Gladers understand the job track-hoes provide as well as aid Greenies with navigation in the Glade. Reaching out to people in order to get things done is her forte, never shying away from an opportunity to run things smoothly.

What activities would you host for your job members?
Crop Art!
(Physical Application)

“Why not have a little fun with my members by taking the time to dedicate to some crop art? In this activity we’d farm all the crops currently on certain plots of land. Example, wheat fields, carrots and potatoes are the best candidates with the space provided. We will take turns having the opportunity to use seeds to make designs in the fields! Perhaps even invite some other factions to view the art. There is also a chance to have friendly competition between Track-Hoe members by giving a prompt that each person has to fulfill in respect to their art.”

Seasonal Harvest & Cooperation
(DetailRP involved)

“This one would involve cooks ideally. Track-Hoes would choose numbers, and depending on said numbers they receive a certain crop. Here, they will have to speak to a cook and try to understand what ingredients go into a food made with their star ingredient. Preferably make it with the Cooks. Afterwards, we can all convene for a pleasant picnic to show off the incredibly delicious treats we bring along! Cooks may also be invited if they would like to come, as they dedicated their time to help as well.”


“I’d like to have activities that both can integrate other jobs while also straying a little away from the Track-Hoe job to bond outside of it. Either way, all methods are thought of and would be implemented.”

How do you see your job and its role in the Glade?

“Track-Hoes are extremely important to the Glade! As is every job to support the community. However, here is the reasoning for Track-Hoes in particular:”


“Track-Hoes supply Cooks with crops that are heavily utilized in the food given to the Glade. Without these farmers, there would be little to eat if at all anything. This would affect the other jobs as well, seeing as how fatigue would grow heavy. On top of this, Track-Hoes supply Slicers with the necessary crops to breed the animals they butcher for the Cooks. There would be virtually no food left to be farmed via Slicers without the necessary efforts of the Track-Hoes. Medjacks require our crops and as do Brick-nicks with wood. Otherwise, it would be a detriment to their trade, as well as the inability to craft certain items.”

Engagement & Creativity

“Aside from functionality, Track-Hoes provide a wide variety of differentiation from other Glade factions. For those who would enjoy farming, it’s an experience that allows people with common interests to interact and help out the Glade by sustaining other jobs with our craft! In addition, it is a job that allows for creativity and harmony. There are numerous situations that can lead to problem solving, such as too many crops farmed and storage space, etc.”

Socialization & Bonds

“Apart from Runners (depending), Baggers and Dusties, Track-Hoes get to interact with the other factions regularly for deliveries. Baggers can occasionally come around, however in majority they are patrolling to aid others. In this process, we establish bonds personally and can even spend free time visiting those that are not often seen by Track-Hoes.”


“Track-Hoes are amazing for their hard work and companionship, although overlooked by many. Displaying this to others is a challenge sometimes, however placing emphasis on the equivalent importance of all jobs is required.”


As a Keeper, you will have authority over Gladers. How would you react to these hypothetical scenarios?

When sanctioning other Gladers, what would make the difference between an oral warning, the slammer, and banishment?

Oral Warnings

In order to educate Gladers of their wrong doings, oral warnings are given. When Gladers create inconveniences for the Glade or individuals, it is important to tell them what they’ve done wrong and how they can improve. Bringing attention to the issue and correcting it so it does not happen again is ideal.

The Slammer

Unintentional damage to the Glade is quite a serious matter, which is why it can be met with a punishment to the Slammer. Depending the severity of the matter, Keepers can discuss the longevity of the punishment. In this instance, it is still good to place emphasis on their transgression and explain the importance of their acts.


Intentional and otherwise irrecoverable damage to the Glade is far worse than anything that could send someone to the slammer. In times where this is prominent, it is occasionally with heavy heart that Keepers should decide to banish the individual(s) after a serious talk to the perpetrators. Although there is the grace that should be given to hear their reasonings and such, ultimately even this cannot harbour them from a mutually agreed fate.

A Glader has been stealing from the storage, how do you react?

Ideally the first course of action would be to speak to the Glader and understand their motive / reason for taking things from storage. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding or a matter that needs educating. In which, an oral warning would be given. However, repeated violation of the rules would garner a more serious talk with Keepers. Once deliberated, this could make room for the slammer or banishment as a suitable punishment depending the amount stolen, the amount of transgression ignoring verbal warnings and reasoning for the violation in of itself.

A Glader has been giving precious resources to the Banished, how do you react?

As with every situation, get a grasp of the circumstances of which they are giving the Banished the resources. However, it is fair to delegate a harsh punishment when dealing with this situation. The resources are meant for those companions inside the Glade, and such a transgression is unacceptable. Deliberating with the Keepers, the likely outcome would be Banishment. The lightest situation would be the Slammer, yet even this is thin.

.•° ✿ °•.

Any additional notes:

Thank you for taking the time to read my application < 3

°•. ✿ .•°​
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