Suggestion | The Market


New member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hi, I was walking about in the market when I realized that a good idea would be not only to be able to sell armor and tools from specific jobs but to be also able to buy them with supplies. I'll give an example. Let's say you are a Runner and you die in the maze, but oh no you used your kit and now have to wait 3 hours to be able to claim the kit. That's where my idea comes in. You would just get your collection of supplies, go to the market, and buy the armor/items you need. It could be made so you have to give more supplies to buy the armor than you get from selling them to prevent abuse. I reckon that implementing this system would be pretty easy to do, thanks to the easy-to-navigate shopkeeper plugin enabled on the server. I believe that my idea of being able to purchase the armor/ items you need for a given job is of great help to the glade. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!


New member
Jan 11, 2024
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What you just described is pretty much what the Brick-Nicks are for. If you ever need armor you can just ask in /ooc if a brickie would be able to quickly make some.
On top of that in homestead is a chest near the lobby, that is often filled with Weapons and armor, downstairs you can find the armory with treasure chests that reset every few hours with fresh loot, and in the basement is also a lot of armor stored.

The suggestion itself is good, however it would take away from the Brick-Nick Job.