SLICER KEEPER | WaveRider2030's Application


New member
Oct 22, 2024
Reaction score
OOC (Out-Of-Character)

Username: WaveRider2030


OOC Age Range (Optional):

Activity Scale (How many days a week do you play on average?):
I try and get on in at least 2 times during the week and most Saturdays and Sundays I'll be on

Time zone and availability:
CST, available most days after 7pm, normally available anytime Sunday and after 12pm on Saturdays

Do you have any punishment history on RoleplayHub (SchoolRP, MazeRP, or Creative)? If so, please state your punishments:

Do you understand that the Keeper role is solely an in-character role, and that its permissions can only be used for in-character purposes? (Yes/No)

What experience do you have with roleplaying?
I have been roleplaying since 2020 and have recently gotten back into it

What is your motivation for applying for Keeper?
I've been part of the community since the beginning and I've always enjoyed the server. I take pride in my ability to help others both in-game and out of game. I like to think of myself as a leader on the server and though I've taken a break from it, now that I have more time, I want to get back to helping out who I can. I've got great knowledge about every job in the glade as I've played them all, giving greenies tours are fun but my main focus is helping Gladers thrive. When people lose their stuff, I like to do what I can to get them back on their feet. I have a lot of resources to my name that I've gathered since the new map came out so rather than players needing to grind for hours trying to get things back that they lost normally by ill intentions, I like to extend a hand, whether that be helping a dustboy get a new pickaxe back after they fell in lava, or a bagger losing a nice piece of armor to a griever after getting caught in the maze trying to help others. My goal in doing that is to keep those who focus on the roleplay aspect in the roleplay and avoid them burning themselves out trying to get gear that they only use in the background. Helping replace gear when I can also keep the glade prospering, if a dustboy loses their good pickaxe, that slows down the minerals the bricknicks get and the coal they supply to the cooks. If a trackhoe loses a good hoe or axe, then that slows down crops they can give to the cooks and wood to the bricknick. If a bagger loses their armor, they can't protect Gladers as well. A Keeper doesn't just focus on the job they are the Keeper of, Keepers have a duty to ensure the glade is protected and prospering. Whether or not I have the Keeper title doesn't diminish my drive to help others, it simply lets greenies and Gladers know they can come to me if they need help, whatever that is.

IC (In-Character)

Character Name: Perseus

Character Age:

Please give a brief description of your character’s personality:

Perseus is a 7-year veteran, currently a slicer but has done every job the glade has to offer. Veterans refer to him as The Doc given his skills as a former medjack. He's about 5'10", sharp, athletic, and logical.

Tell us why your character would be a great pick for this leadership position:

My character has experience in every job and has an incredible amount of experience when it comes to slicing animals, I've clocked several weeks of playtime on this server, so I have a great grip on how to keep the glade running and how to help out.

What activities would you host for your job members?

Competitions for who can donate the most meat in a week with rewards like a better axes, supplies, or other useful items would probably be number one. Enhancing their communication when it comes to trackhoes and building up a bond between both jobs so the slicers can approach any trackhoe and request crops easier, slicers rely on trackhoes to produce meat for the glade and a great bond between the two jobs means a lot more meat for the glade. Offering the occasional reward when a cook says a slicer has gone out of their way to help the Glade. Tournaments in the pit would also be a fun addition to the Slicers as it would increase their abilities with an axe and their ability to wrangle up the animals and such.

How do you see your job and its role in the Glade?

My job as a slicer is vital to the glade, pork and steak are the most requested food sources by Gladers. They're also easy for me to produce in large quantities and quickly so me being active helps the entire Glade. As a Keeper, my job is to make sure order is upheld in the glade and making sure it thrives. As the Keeper of Slicers, my job is to keep the flow of meat to the cooks steady and make sure other slicers are doing their job and making sure enjoying it as well.


As a Keeper, you will have authority over Gladers. How would you react to these hypothetical scenarios?

When sanctioning other Gladers, what would make the difference between an oral warning, the slammer, and banishment?

Physical altercation and escalation are typically the deciding factors. A fight getting ready to break out but I or another Glader nearby stops it in time may earn a verbal warning. A fight breaking out with one or multiple Gladers hurt would deserve the slammer. Injury leaving permanent effects such as those requiring an amputation, torn ligaments, getting stabbed, poisoned, etc. is when a banishment is likely.

A Glader has been stealing from the storage, how do you react?

The punishment depends on how much they've stolen and if they can return it. If a slicer has hoarded a bunch of meat for themselves to purposely prop up their reputation, then I'd probably have them turn it over, confess at the fire pit, and most likely a night in the slammer. If they've stolen a bunch of meat and can't return it, then time is the slammer would be necessary, and the amount of time depends on the size of the crime.

A Glader has been giving precious resources to the Banished, how do you react?

Depends on how much, if it's a little bit, they'd need to replace it, confess, and spend some time in the slammer. If it's enough to where they can't replace it, well, if they are so keen on helping the banished, I don't see why they shouldn't join them. Always make sure the punishment fits the crime and always make sure there is evidence that they are doing it, multiple witnesses preferably. If one person comes to me and informs me on something like this, I'll investigate to confirm it, I'm not a fan of hearsay.


Any additional notes:
Thanks for reviewing my application, please reach out if there are any concerns or if you have additional questions!​