Slicer Keeper Application


New member
Aug 3, 2024
Reaction score
OOC (Out-Of-Character)


'toa_tmr' and 'An Idiot'.

OOC Age Range (Optional):
Late teens.

Activity Scale (How many days a week do you play on average?):
I play mainly on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays due to there not being many slicer materials as well as essays and tasks provided by my education. When I log on I stay on for about 12-16 hours.

Timezone and availability:
AEST, I am available very often. My timezone is not ideal however I am willing to stay up late (most likely around 6 am latest) to participate in keeper meetings and discussions. These would be ideal on days such as Fridays and Saturdays as the community is more likely to be active. I am willing to sacrifice a bit of sleep for a meeting.

Do you have any punishment history on RoleplayHub (SchoolRP, MazeRP, or Creative)? If so, please state your punishments:
Never, I hope to keep it that way.

Do you understand that the Keeper role is solely an in-character role, and that its permissions can only be used for in-character purposes? (Yes/No)

What experience do you have with roleplaying?
I participate in a variety of Minecraft based roleplay servers. Most of my roleplaying is built around wanting to participate in worlds of books and movies for example The Maze Runner and The Hunger Games. I have experienced lots of roleplaying in my life and I most enjoy roleplaying around stories like the ones previously stated.

What is your motivation for applying for Keeper?

I have a very large expanse of knowledge around slicers, I believe I have the mentality, attitude and behaviour that can lead the slicers. I believe my knowledge would be greatly appreciated amongst the other slicers. I am currently one of the most active slicers if not the most active slicer. I use my time on the server to provide for the community whether that is using all of the wheat, carrots and seeds to give food for the cooks or simply helping other get gear and run the maze. I have helped teach greenies about my job and how to do it properly. I want to be able to teach all slicers my methods and thinking around getting food from the animals. My main reason for applying is to teach and provide for those new to the job, this will also include those who have been slicers for a longer period of time. I want to share everything I have learnt with the community of slicers and those wanting to join the community of slicers.

I have a strong belief that some slicers chose the role solely because of the permanent strength boost. I would like to change this fact, I want slicers to choose the job because they want to provide for the community. While the strength is nice it should not be the reason people choose to become a slicer, I would gladly lose the strength if it was needed. I believe everyone should know and understand that a job in the glade is something you should be dedicated to. I am very dedicated to my role as a slicer and I would like to be the ambassador for my job.

IC (In-Character)

Character Name:
Jack Null

Character Age:

Please give a brief description of your character’s personality:
Jack is a sixteen year old teen in the glade. He is coping with the memories of his brother being turned down by WICKED due to his cancer. His thoughts on the glade have spiralled into attacking and killing banished without thinking. He is learning to cope using different methods mainly by doing his job as good as possible so others won't turn him down. He tries to make friends with other gladers but at times can be arrogant and cocky. He aims to remove those parts of himself and create a better person. His courage saved several people while running the maze. Note: He does not remember that it is his brother screaming, he only remembers the screaming and is haunted by it. He is a shorter glader who tries to end conflict.

Tell us why your character would be a great pick for this leadership position:
His determination and courage would lead him to creating a better community amongst the slicers and the glade. His past in the glade has been eventful, he was kicked out of the brick-nicks hut for mass producing swords. He wants to encourage other slicers to produce as many stacks of meat as possible. He has a very large expanse of knowledge around the most effective ways to farm different animals. He is willing to share all of his knowledge to all of the slicers.

What activities would you host for your job members?
I will host a variety of events that provide a fun experience for all slicers. The events will make the output of meat increase to a great level as it would make slicers produce similar amounts to my normal output. Some of the events include:
  • Competitions to see who produces the most meat over a certain amount of time.
  • Learning events to show other slicers where to put certain items and what are effective methods to farming certain animals.​
  • Ceremonies for accomplishments such as saving the glade from starvation.​
  • Tests to see who has listened and performed to suite the cooks needs.​
These events would all be put into the discord server for the slicers. I would work with other slicers to ensure as many slicers as possible get to participate. I can also show people where banished slicer is. Some possible rewards in events could be better things such as swords and axes mainly diamond ones. I can supply beginning events as I have about 4-5 diamond swords and two diamond axes. I think it is very important for rewards to be given if they win a competition, once I run out I can get a couple from the brick-nicks as I am on good terms with them. They have previously supplied us in the past and I believe they would gladly do it again, if they want payment I can also supply that as I have a variety of items I can sell. I am fine with selling these items even if I treasure some, I am willing to make changes in my weapons if it means a greater amount of slicers that can be relied on and trusted.

How do you see your job and its role in the Glade?
I believe slicer is a very important role in the glade as it is responsible for all the meat that goes to the cooks. I think my job is very fun and all gladers should try becoming a slicer. I think all slicers enjoy the strength but I see the strength as a bonus, we don't need the strength to do our job and I would be fine without it. I think some slicers do not think the same way as me. I would like all slicers to think like that.


As a Keeper, you will have authority over Gladers. How would you react to these hypothetical scenarios?

When sanctioning other Gladers, what would make the difference between an oral warning, the slammer, and banishment?

An oral warning is for something minor such as taking too many items like carrots so others can't grind animals. The slammer is for something like hurting another glader or griefing another slicer. Banishment is for those who have killed a player or caused mass chaos for slicers and the rest of the glade. If the offences are repeated the level will increase.

A Glader has been stealing from the storage, how do you react?
Give them an oral warning and make sure to watch them in the future. If they continued to steal I will create a vote to send them to the slammer. Further offence could get them banished.

A Glader has been giving precious resources to the Banished, how do you react?
If they want to ally themselves with the banished I believe they should become a banished. I would gather a keeper meeting and aim to banish them.


Any additional notes: I have a set of immediate actions I will take if I become keeper. Some include immediate changes to the discord server relevant to the slicers (I know it is the unofficial server but I hope to make it the official one), I will create a permanent contract with the track-hoes and cooks about the output of each one of the jobs. Some details in the contract will hopefully be around all jobs in the agreement must have a certain output for example 'the slicers must have produced and given at least 4 chests of meat to the cooks', this would ensure that everyone gets a chance to do their job.

Note from one day later: Good luck Estrectics and I if we are allowed second in commands. You can be sure you'll be mine if I win as you can sometimes seem overly questioning however that is a very good thing and I need that. So best of luck.

Thank you very much for reading and see you in the glade.
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