Lore Team Application - ObscuredMedall219


New member
Sep 4, 2024
Reaction score
In-Game User


What's your age? (Preferred, but optional)


Do you have Discord? If so, what's your username?

obscuredmedal219_65590/ObscuredMedal219 (Still no clue which works)

Punishment History




Link any past or current applications


Describe your activity

Running the Maze, and listening to stupid crap in VC. As well as posting memes and making jokes.

What's your motivation for applying?

Paradox, being the top Glader he is, encouraged me to apply.

What can you bring to the team?

I've had a passion for lore for quite a while, as well as having been an roleplayer for several years. I know what's fun and isn't fun. i also know a lot about the technology in the Maze Runner, and can come up with new tech that would fit in.


Two prompts will be provided below, fill them out with your best writing abilities! Make sure it aligns with MazeRP’s existing lore as much as possible.

Prompt #1 (200+ words): Write a story about a character arriving at the Glade for the first time through the box. The prompt can be written from any perspective.

Awake, cold, moving upwards, vertigo. A wave of panic crashed over him. The dark, claustrophobic walls of this strange elevator was getting to him. It was rectangular, with grated walls and flooring. As he moved upward, he passed lights on the wall rapidly. The elevator was clearly moving up quickly, yet it seemed to be taking an eternity, every second dragging on for what felt like a year.
That name popped into the void of his mind as a wave of sadness crashed over him. That was all he remembered. Of course, he still knew how the world worked, but could not picture any specific time. All faces were just blurs of color. The stale dusty air of his elevator prison was all he knew for the next half an hour.
With a jolt, the elevator stopped moving, knocking him off of his feet, sending a fresh wave of panic through his body. A blinding light peered through the doors as the split with their jagged edges. A mechanical door. As his vision cleared, he could make out several human figures peering down into the elevator.
"Look at this shank."
"Looks uglier than that Ben shuck after he got Stung."
"Ya know he can't be any buggin' uglier than you, slinthead."
One of the figures suddenly jumped down, sending Akai stumbling backwards with a lurch before he could even process what was being said. It was a girl. "Rise 'n shine, Greenie. Day buggin' one," she said as she reached down to help him up. Their language was incredibly strange. It was like they were speaking an entirely different dialect. He took her hand and she pulled him up. It was then that he realized how short she was. She couldn't have been taller than five feet and six inches. "What? Ya never seen a woman before, shuck-face," he then realized that he was staring. "Uh... No, just... Confused, I guess," she gave him a toothy grin, then spoke again, "Can't blame ya, slinthead. C'mon, let's get ya out of the shuck Box."​

Prompt #2 (200+ words): Create a story about the conflict between the Gladers and the Banished. The prompt can be written from any perspective.

The Banished raids had been getting longer every time, and this time was the last straw. The Keepers called a Gathering after this last one. Well, Minho was really the one who called it, and everyone else just went along. For some reason, after about thirty minutes into the gathering, the Runners were called to go in, which meant Jay was going in.
"About time you shuck-faces got here," that was Winston, Keeper of the Slicers, "You all are pretty slow for people whose job is to literally run the Maze."
"Slim it, Winston," that was Newt, "We ain't got time for your klunk, slinthead." Alby sighed, and then spoke, "Alright, after some discussion, we have decided that there are too many Banished Gladers running around out in the Maze, and that they need to be dealt with. And, considering what you shanks can and have done before, I think it'd be best for the Glade if we sent a group of you to lower the population of Banished."
Whispers broke out across the group of Runners. "Didn't ya shucks hear the first smart buggin' thing Newt ever said? Slim it! This klunk's optional, so ya buggin' sissies can go ahead and buggin' leave," Minho said and then paused, "Go on, shuck-faces! Leave your buggin' watches on the way out!" No one move, likely because they didn't want to be branded as sissies. That meant everyone was going.
After a little bit more discussion, it was decided that as soon as the gates opened two days from then, the Runners would go out and wipe out the Northern and Southern banished Camps.​