Lore Team Application | Dark


New member
Jul 8, 2024
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In-Game User


What's your age? (Preferred, but optional)

Fourteen Years.

Do you have Discord? If so, what's your username?


Punishment History




Link any past or current applications


Describe your activity

I am very active, especially during the summer. I almost always dedicate a couple hours around noon CST playing on the server. And I always have free time for the types of projects I may be assigned.

What's your motivation for applying?

I love to write, it's my dream to write full time for fiction, fantasy, etc. Unfortunately, I have trouble motivating myself to write. Having deadlines or prompts always helps me to get started writing, which is something I would like to do more of. Additionally, I like to be involved in whatever it is I'm throwing myself into. Once I am a few years older, I plan to apply for more in-depth roles such as Events, and Staff. I love the feeling of contributing something to a community, and making a difference.

What can you bring to the team?

I have several ideas on how the lore of MRP could become more of a 'centerpiece' to the action and role play of the server. The main form lore comes in on the server are the books and journal entries found in chests. I believe there is a way to make them more interesting.

The simplest way to do this, in my eyes, is to make what's read in the book applicable inside the game. Trials, for example, are puzzles at their heart. With a diary entry, the lore team could additionally put in extra details and hints as to the inner workings and solution of a trial. It would be written in the form of a glader’s experience with the puzzles and how they succeeded (or failed!).

This would make the journals scattered throughout the maze more interesting. As the trials have been mostly solved already, the books could also allude to secrets within the maze that are less mainstream for the average runner.


Secondly, I have a much grander idea for the lore of the server: An overarching storyline. More live events that add to the engagement and excitement of the server. Something to consistently work towards with the community, rather than the individualized approach of trials.

It’s nothing complicated, what I am truly imagining is a series of events that connect to each other, linked by lore that I and the rest of the team would create.

My dream would be to have the events have multiple possible outcomes, so that the gladers roleplaying can have a real difference on the standard gameplay and future events. This would all require work with the events team, of course– I don’t plan on executing it all by myself.

For example, there could be a new division of banished, that have established themselves deep in the outer sections. The gladers must go and fight them off, as if they don’t the new banished will keep expanding their territory.

The example ties into the fact that there are multiple ending options. If the gladers fail to fight them off and destroy their new fort, banished spawn rates increase in the maze.

The point is that the gladers end with a feeling of accomplishment, either that or frustration that they failed.

Either option is fine, the type of events I would like to create in partnership with the events team are supposed to make it feel like the gladers actually made a difference.

I’m sure that there are already events planned out for the future. To really help the lore of the server thrive, I believe the lore team should be responsible for crafting links between these events, and devising ways in the story for gladers to feel like they really changed things.

So, what can I bring to the team? I deviated from the prompt a bit so I’ll summarize here. I can bring new ideas, such as a new way to write journals, and a new way of structuring events. I can bring a decent writing style, which you’ll read through in the next section. And I would bring lots of dedication and a passion for what the team is doing.


Two prompts will be provided below, fill them out with your best writing abilities! Make sure it aligns with MazeRP’s existing lore as much as possible.

Prompt #1 (200+ words): Write a story about a character arriving at the Glade for the first time through the box. The prompt can be written from any perspective.

He was lying on the floor of a metal box, the floor littered with boxes and cloth. His hand reached up to clench his hair in a panic.

What's going on… Where am I?

Thoughts flew through his head as he took in his surroundings. As he had just woken up, the obvious question remained unanswered for several seconds before it at last struck him.

…Who am I?

The boy in the box had no idea, from what he could tell he was male, around sixteen years old, and relatively short. Other than that, he had no recollection of the sixteen years before this very moment.

He could speak, and remembered life’s basic essentials. Aside from that he had no memories. He sat down, head clenched under his hands, desperately trying to remember anything about himself. Yet nothing came.

Incredibly distraught, he hardly noticed the grinding noises of cranks and chains coming from around him. Suddenly, he fell backwards. The box was moving.

Everything around him was shaking, the boxes tumbling to the ground from their rickety stacks. A larger box, this one metal, fell from its place directly onto his leg.

The scream the boy let out was a cry of pure desperation and agony, his leg twisted and bent under the heavy weight of the box.

He lay there for several more , as the box moved absurdly fast, heading upwards to wherever it was he would be going.

It was an agonizing few moments for the boy, various thoughts of how he could end it all being his only asylum.


It all stopped, and he saw light.

The top of the box cracked open, moving slowly, letting in more and more sunlight.

From behind the doors he saw around a dozen figures, all kids really, around the age of himself. They were all laughing amongst each other until they saw him, and his leg under the box, and the silence followed.

The boy could tell it looked bad.

One of the group, the largest with dark skin and buzzed hair, shouted out to the rest of them.

“Get that box off of em’, God knows he’s been through enough already.”

And they did just that, the crowd moved quickly, and with strength. In mere moments the heavy iron chest was on the ground beside him and they could see the true damage.

Whispered comments from a smaller group, including what he assumed was the leader, told him there was likely nothing to be done.

He wouldn’t walk again, the leg was crushed and the bones shattered. Blood had stained his clothes and the floor around him a dark red.

He was still smiling.

It was because he remembered his name, it was Noah. Seeing that group of people had brought back memories.

And with that, the group lifted him up, and took him to his new life.

Prompt #2 (200+ words): Create a story about the conflict between the Gladers and the Banished. The prompt can be written from any perspective.

If you were in the maze that day, you’d hear gasps of breath coming from around the nearest wall.

A figure burst out from behind it, a child, by society's eyes. Yet he didn’t seem the part. Yes he was young, but the expression he wore was of desperation, fear, and age. And he was running as well. There was a certain way he ran, forceful and powerful.

His hands reached to his side-arm, a small dagger. A slash mid-sprint and several thick vines fell to the ground behind him. You don't know why, but it was an act he repeated with every turn. Yet he was terrified.

There, in the distance the sun was rising. Higher and higher, faster than you’d ever seen it before.

Grinding sounds started coming from the walls up ahead, the sound of chains and gears, metal on metal. The walls started to move, they started to open.

And with that the runner was relieved.

It was morning and the doors were agape, revealing a green paradise behind it. It looked and smelled of home, of comfort. It was a direct contrast to the eeriness of the gray walls and sharp shadows behind him. Nervously the boy walked through. He took each step with care and precaution.

Suddenly, two large figures wearing a sort of armor stepped out from behind the huge door. They both carried a long staff, pronged at the top making a ‘V’ shape.

The larger of the pair spoke up, almost regretfully, “David… You know why we can't let you in.”

Tears were forming in the runner's eyes, “Why not… I’ve been here longer than you.” He said bitterly, “Why can’t I come back in.”

“It’s because you killed a man.” The bagger said simply, “I buried him.”

“Give me another chance. I want to go back.” The words were demanding, but the face that spoke them was desperate, “I hate it out here, Tim.”

“You’re not right in the head, David, and you’re good enough with the maze to survive it. You always have been.” Tim replied, with that calm voice he had.

From his expression he seemed to care for our runner, yet after a few moments signaled to his companion it was time.

Both of them used their staffs to push the runner away. Once he was behind the entrance, the bagger sighed and spoke up.

“If you come back tomorrow morning, I’m going to kill you.”

The runner knew he would say that. He’d said it every morning for three months in a row.

And so he vanished back into the shadows. He ran once more, back to his little hut.


There was a small cavity inside the wall, it was boarded up with planks and wood and inside it was a small cot.

The runner collapsed on that cot, and cried. Just like he had done everyday for three months.

It was different this time, his cries and pain attracted something else. He knew what it was when he heard it, the grinding noise of blades on stone.

Clamping his hand over his mouth, he stayed as quiet as he could. It was too late, however, and one of the creatures' many legs shot out. It punctured the wooden walls of his shelter, and pierced the runner's heart.

He didn’t say anything as he died, but his eyes were still in shock. He’d lasted this long, he hadn’t expected it to end quite the way it did.

The griever moved on, didn’t have a reason to take the body, it was killed for sport and nothing else.

Two days later another runner passed by, the only reason she stopped was because of the smell. She quickly ran back through the maze, and retrieved several baggers, one of them being Tim. They dragged his corpse back, and after much debate, gave him the same burial everyone else had.

Tim insisted on burying him alone.


Final Thoughts:

I tried to write out these two short stories with the idea of them being ‘short bags of emotion’. It was a new style for me as I usually put more action than feelings into what I write. However, this was a fun project, and I’m happy how they both turned out.

Writing the second short story in third person was a strange choice for me, I haven't written in that perspective before. I believe it did its job though, and the second prompt is my favorite of the two.

Back to the main point, I hope you will consider this application, knowing that I will work hard to help out the server because I love it, and I love to write.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this (I can be very long-winded sometimes) and I hope to see you in the Maze.​


Senior Admin
Jul 17, 2023
Reaction score
Maze Roleplay: Lore Team Application
Status: Accepted!

Hey Darkwing,

Thank you for your application for MazeRP Lore Team. After reading this application, discussing with other staff members and seeing how detailed & well-written these responses are, we've decided to accept your application :D