Ice as keeper of the cooks


New member
Jun 11, 2024
Reaction score

OOC (Out-Of-Character)



OOC Age Range (Optional):

Activity Scale (How many days a week do you play on average?):
3 days cause of school but like 12-14 hours the days i can play and sometimes I can play on the weekdays.

Timezone and availability:
Cst available on weekends and sometimes weekdays

Do you have any punishment history on RoleplayHub (SchoolRP, MazeRP, or Creative)? If so, please state your punishments:

Do you understand that the Keeper role is solely an in-character role, and that its permissions can only be used for in-character purposes? (Yes/No)

What experience do you have with roleplaying?
i have some experience. i have been playing on this server for 8 months. i have also played on another rp server with some friends.

What is your motivation for applying for Keeper?
my motivation for applying for keeper is that, I want to make sure everyone is doing their part in the glade. I also want to make a fair justice system for the glade and punish people who are breaking the rules.
IC (In-Character)

Character Name:

Character Age:

Please give a brief description of your character’s personality:
he is over obsessed with his work and running the maze, he is kind of hyper and energetic, and he wants to make the glade as safe as possible by doing what he can.

Tell us why your character would be a great pick for this leadership position:
my character would be great for a leadership position for many reasons. first he is always working in the kitchen to make sure that the glade has food. second my character strives to make sure the glade has order and no one is breaking the rules. finally he runs the maze a good amount so he knows most of the maze layout and can lead people around or out if needed.

What activities would you host for your job members?
i would host feast for the cooks with the best food, i would show everyone where the banished cook is so incase we need to farm meat they can, and i will host meetings to talk about what the future plans are and what we need to prepare for.

How do you see your job and its role in the Glade?
i see my job as a very important job. without the cooks the glade would starve to death. our role as cooks is to take what the track hoes and slicers give us and turning it into great food that everyone in the glade can enjoy.


As a Keeper, you will have authority over Gladers. How would you react to these hypothetical scenarios?

When sanctioning other Gladers, what would make the difference between an oral warning, the slammer, and banishment?

an oral warning would be like someone taking to many thing from the storage chest. slammer would be hurting another glader or continuous raiding storage chest or just more serious issues. banishing the player would be if they have gotten into lots of fights, killed another player, or are just to dangerous to keep in the glade.

A Glader has been stealing from the storage, how do you react?

I would give them a warning and then if they keep repeating it then i would do a vote to send them to the slammer.

A Glader has been giving precious resources to the Banished, how do you react?
i would start a keeper meeting. then i would try and get the person who is giving resources to the banished sent to the slammer. but if they have given so many resources to the banished i would try and get them banished.
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