Event Team Application | Darkwing222


New member
Jul 8, 2024
Reaction score
In-Game User:


What's your age? (Preferred, but optional):

Fourteen years.

Do you have Discord? If so, what's your username?


Punishment History:



GMT -5

Describe your activity:

Near daily, I have about six days of playtime on the server and frequently write for the Lore Team. Naturally school has just started, so my schedule bounces around some mandatory events I have to attend in real life.

What's your motivation for applying?

As you know, I am a member of Lore Team. I’m starting to get heavily involved in the ongoings of the server, and I feel like I have a lot more to contribute. I believe events should be one of the servers largest priorities, simply because of the amount of players it brings to the server.

Bringing players to the server is naturally our largest priority, in addition to keeping the ones we already have. Events do both of these things!! We are a roleplay server after all, events should be the highlight of the experience.

I really think they add just so much life into the server, more personality and character. It’s the main reason I’ve played so frequently. No other games or servers I’ve ever played on are like that.

Events can be done so simply, really with some dialogue, a bright new idea, and volunteers we can make an experience to remember! At the servers peak performance, I would imagine us throwing smaller events nearly once a week. And that’s truly what I want for the server, for it to be bright and successful.

What can you bring to the team?

You likely already know a good deal about my talents and skills from working with me on Lore Team. From my time spent there, the part I’ve most enjoyed working on would have to be events. It’s also probably the most important part, as I stated earlier events really tie the server together and make memories for everyone to share.

I have been RPing for as long as I can remember (I have a significantly bad long-memory) and I have been GMing for nearly a year and a half. When running events, the type of skills TTRPG are equally valuable and extremely necessary. It requires a certain type of person to effectively communicate to that many people. I am not that type of person, that’s why I believe RP experience to be so important.

When interacting with people, which is a considerably large part of the job, it can make such a difference to have the right experience. It's hard to take control of a crowd, even when you know that's what must be done. RPing helps build that ability, and I’ve RPed in countless manners for roughly six years.

Additionally, I have a certain mindset when it comes to creating events, and running RP games in general. All the player base needs is a reason to show up, reason to interact with other players, and something to do.

Mods, plugins, and fancy new features certainly add to the experience, but they aren’t necessary. Quality over quantity always of coure, that goes without saying. But sometimes simplicity is best, and I’d argue that's the case here. It is a RPing event, and players should have the most control over how it turns out.

The feeling of making a difference is quite a special one, and one that I would love to highlight and make more common-place with events.


Create three unique events. Explain what it is, how you'd go about organizing it, and what resources you would require to execute it:


“Look over there… see that glader? Been acting oddly all day. What could they be up to?”

I must admit. This is an attempt to (finally) create the Among-Us Event commonly joked about for ages. To clarify, this is less so an event I hope to create rather than a demonstration of my abilities. I understand that the idea proposed was originally a joke, however I do think it would be rather perfect for the type of server MRP has become.



The event would take place over the course of ninety minutes to two hours.

The event would NOT be advertised as anything in particular, merely the announcement would inform the discord that something “interesting” would be happening at a particular time.

Once the event starts, players all over the glade are instructed to “Go about their jobs”. A select amount of players (proportionate to the complete amount of players in the glade) will receive a message similar to the one that follows:

“You now are under the control of a new virus, one constructed by WCKD. You have one task now, and to fail means certain death. You must work with the others to destroy and sabotage what remains of the glade. Let this be a warning: Do not get caught.”

The infected Gladers would then be given a new item, and a journal with the names of other infected players. The journal would also explain how the new item would help the infected sabotage the glade.

This is the part where I am a little out of my comfort zone, I have no idea about the capabilities of the Devs or what is/isn’t possible. With that being said, I’ll try to explain how I would imagine it to work.

All infected (6 or 4) would be given one half of a WCKD device.

The Device:

A command block (just the texture) would be the heart of the device WCKD prepared for the infected. Yet it cannot be activated without the other half.

The Switch:

A lever that would be used to activate The Device when both are used simultaneously.

When doing almost anything, there are usually two options. The lazy option, and the clean option. Obviously it's always better to stick to the clean, efficient option. But since, again, I have little idea what is possible coding-wise I will list them both .

‘Lazy’ Option:

Here, both blocks are placeable (I am relatively sure this is easy to do.) and have several Builders/Staff following all the infected, waiting to see both blocks placed and the machine constructed.

Once the block is placed, the lever placed, and the lever flicked any staff watching would run the command that would ‘sabotage’ that location.

I am yet to explain what the machine would actually do, I’m imagining there being destroyed versions of each workstation being built. It shouldn’t be too hard, just ruin them and have the copies/destroyed versions saved in worldedit.

When an Admin confirms that the machine has been successfully built and activated they would run the command, and whichever workplace was being sabotaged would turn temporarily into its destroyed state.

All workplaces would be restored after the course of the event.

Clean Option:

Similar in most ways to the lazy option, the only difference is that here the world edit would be linked to the items themself. Right clicking both items would activate the command, and similar destruction would ensue.

The Game Itself:

Any infected that are caught constructing the machine by players are to be immediately brought to the keepers hut and placed in the private keepers cells.

Players can also vote out potential infected anytime they like. Here there would be a vote, and the majority would have to vote in favor for the potential infected to be eliminated and sent to the keepers cells. Voting would be done mostly through RPing. Keepers would have the final say.

Win Conditions:

The Infected win if they successfully sabotage three workplaces.

The Gladers win if they eliminate all of the Infected.

What would I need?

There are really only three things I would practically need for this event to be run.

1. Builders create destroyed versions of all the Work Places.

2. Staff give access to any and all commands necessary for the event.

3. Potentially someone with the proper knowledge to quickly code the Machine used in the event.

Like I mentioned earlier, not much is needed for players to have fun. This is the most lengthy and in depth event I am creating for this application, and it doesn’t require much besides participation of the players.

2. Grievers Glitch:

“Grievers? It’s well before noon… why are there so many?”

Grievers start to move and kill during daylight! After a meeting called by Alby, the gladers realize this and realize that they must go fix it. Alby mentions more grievers especially being found in the West, and suggests that an elite team (So, everyone online) go to investigate it.

After following Alby through the maze, they arrive at a relatively unexplored area. Here, the wall is busted and there is a hole leading further down. Alby suggests that they enter it.

The hole leads to a new (and temporary) dungeon and all the players need to do is go through it, retrieve the three keycards needed to fix/reboot the grievers and use them. Until then, grievers will be spawning just as they do at night. Highly recommended to bring invisibility with you!

If all goes well, I see no reason why this could not become a regular event. If certain conditions are met in the glade (Player count, etc) it could be done very frequently.

Win Conditions:

All three keycards are successfully used, and grievers no longer spawn at night.

What would I need?

Although this is a much simpler event than WCKD SABOTEURS, substantially more work needs to be done.

1. Builders would need to construct a whole new dungeon! That’s a lot for them, so I expect this to be the longest step.

2. Commands would need to be distributed accordingly, there would need to be code written to accommodate for grievers spawning at day. That could lead to some unforeseen issues.

3. There would have to be a notice/ad written and spread to both MRP and RPH. As I learned from helping with the Alby’s Gathering event… This can be rather difficult.

4. Players would have to show up! You can design a wonderful event, but if players don’t show up there's not much that can be done.

3. Glade Olympics:

“Well, it's high time we have a bit of fun around here. Some friendly competition.”

There would be three games played in the Olympics, players could sign up for as many as they want.

Parkour Races:

A parkour course would be built into the surroundings of the glade, and players would all race through it. Whoever has the fastest time at the end of the allotted 20 minutes to run it wins! They receive a custom textured gold medal for them to treasure, and wear.

Wrestling in the PIT:

A simple free-for-all in the pit. Last one standing wins! If there are too many players for everyone to participate, there can be multiple rounds. However I am imagining it as an all out brawl, less so a tournament.

Everyone would be supplied with a stack of food, leather armor, and a wooden bat. No other gear or potions are allowed.

Just like Parkour Races, the last one standing wins a golden medal!

King of the Hill!

Do I even need to explain? Alby has decided that the dustboys hill looks perfect for a rough-and-tumble game of King of the Hill. Everyone left on top of the hill once the time (five minutes or so) is up receives a golden medal.

Here, Alby says that dirty tricks are allowed. Any gear/potions may be used and are welcomed. Anything to get to the top!

What would I need?

1. Luckily for us, the games just described have countless plugins already made. To download and use one should be simple, and the event should be created quickly.

2. As always, notifying players is one of the most important steps. A clean, professional, and fun announcement should be made advertising the event.

3. Custom models for the Golden Glade Medals should be made, they must be wearable which I can imagine being an issue.

Additional Notes:

Thank you for reading, and judging my application. Whether I am accepted or not, see you in the Maze!​


Jul 19, 2023
Reaction score
Your app has been accepted. Welcome to event team.