Event Team Application | An Idiot


New member
Aug 3, 2024
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Note: For those reading this for ideas and other things like that be warned that this does contain spoilers for the maze runner books.

In-Game User

What's your age? (Preferred, but optional)
Entering university and late teens.

Do you have Discord? If so, what's your username?
toa_tmr (username) and An Idiot (display name).

Punishment History
None, I want to keep it this way.


Describe your activity
I am very active logging on as much as I possibly can, I am a dedicated slicer and have submitted an application for the slicer keeper but I am yet to find out. When I cannot log onto the server I still participate in the discord server. I spend about 15-25 hours on MRP each week, there is additional time spent in the discord server making it about 30-35 hours per week. I have very limited playtime on the server in comparison to other players and I am fine if that is an issue. I try to play as often as I can but at times it is not possible due to a variety of educational reasons. I will participate in any and all discussions and brainstorms around events that I can which should be most if not all.

What's your motivation for applying?
I want to become a member of the event team as I feel events are created and used but are rare and some lack aspects that bring entertainment to a higher degree. For example the most recent event which was Alby's gathering lacked the fun that should be experienced during events and normal gameplay. The event felt empty and more of a place holder which can work but I believe a place holder event should only be used if it still provides a great level of entertainment. For example @billstr0's event that focused around the banished gathering and causing chaos could have worked as a place holder event for section seven if modified enough. A way this could work would begin with the banished beginning their attack on the gladers, it would lead to a battle between the two factions of the maze. The battle would lead to the eventual retreat of the banished, this would cause lots to enter the banished but some would run further and enter the outer walls. They would run to the closed section seven but they would manage to use a previously acquired code/keycard to open a small gateway that would lead into the section. They would quickly close the passage blocking the gladers out, this would cause the forces of the gladers to know the location of section seven and the hiding place of several banished. This could set up a variety of events to follow in the near future. I have some further reasons for applying below and they go into more detail around why I want and believe this role would be great in my hands.

My love of deadlines fuels me to work effectively and efficiently when needed, I use my dedication to bring about more entertainment for others. I find this can bring a greater community and more detailed lore if done correctly. I want to become an event team member as I feel the server lacks thrilling and engaging events that are scheduled far enough in advance so as many players can participate as possible. This is an issue that can be solved in a variety of ways and I believe I can collaborate with fellow event team members to solve these issues. This will take time and dedication which I am willing to put in. I greatly enjoy making communities such as this more engaged and entertained with the lore. I want to become a member of the event team because the events can bring a variety of messages and notes that enhance lore for players. Events such as griever raids that happen when a certain amount of players are on could change the glade slightly for a week IC.

I greatly enjoy leading and planning events, they allow me to fantasise about what could have happened in different stories and media then use those ideas to create something myself and others can enjoy. I think section seven should be opened through a series of events such as a banished raid like the one previously discussed. I believe I could plan and create a series of events such as this to engage as many gladers as possible. I would need help from fellow event team members as well as lore team members to make it fit into the lore as much as possible while still providing a entertaining experience for the gladers. I would use as much time as I can to plan and design events with others while still making the event complete before the deadline. I am a passionate writer which can allow me to add important notes and hints to solve different puzzles the players may encounter. This could make a more adventurous community as they would seek out the events rather than wait for them. Which I want to create as it would expand the runner community greatly.

What can you bring to the team?
I believe my thoughts and ideas on the events of server can benefit the player-base's understanding of the lore. I personally think a large amount of the lore is acquired from books and notes that spawn across the glade and maze, I believe this should be a source of lore but not the main source of lore. The main source of lore should be events. I have a vast understanding of events and how to plan and create them.

My understanding will work well with fellow event team members' understandings which will allow for greater collaboration. I will use all of their and advice to enhance my skills of event planning and creation to create a better understanding and become a member of the team who can work alone or with others to produce entertaining events. I will strive to be a better member of the event team and not to be better than others.

I have a plethora of ideas and thoughts on events which will help create engaging and enjoyable experiences for players. I will work towards a better community, I will use my knowledge of player desires to create greater events for gladers. My ideas range from simple reoccurring events to ones that set up new sections of the map. I will share my ideas with no hesitation as my ideas should solely better the community and not harm it.

I will use my communication skills to work with fellow event team members and lore team members to create diverse and entertaining events that connect with the lore of the maze. My knowledge of what players want in events grows when I join the game, they make it obvious that they desire events and have ideas for them. I can speak to them and gain their desired events which will allow the event team to construct events they desire but that also have twists to them.

I believe there are enemies that are wasted such as the banished. While they have a purpose and can serve as an event causing enemy. They lack the fun combat that should be experienced, the only banished you can fight that brings joy and entertainment to the gladers are the banished bosses, those being the banished bagger, banished med-jack, banished slicer, banished track-hoe, banished brick-nick and the banished dust-boy. The normal banished enemies should have all the parkour mechanics as the gladers to allow chases and random attacks.

I believe items such as keycards for trials should be acquired in the trial but the last keycard should allow access to the next trial. I think this will make the community desire important items such as keycards a lot more which will make more people go deep into the maze creating a greater understanding of the maze. It will also create more runners allowing for expeditions to a large scale.

I have indulged myself in the books and movies in the past. I have read the first 6 books of the series, the books being the maze runner, the scorch trials, the death cure, the kill order, the fever code and crank palace. I greatly enjoyed learning about the world of maze runner from the books and movies. I have a plethora of knowledge around the story and creatures of the maze runner franchise and will gladly use my knowledge to make more detailed events for the players.

My dedication to the server has only grown over the time I have spent on it. I am trying to get into the event team as I feel the server has lacked important events and experiences for new and old players alike. I personally would have liked thrilling events when I first joined and my goal is to provide events that thrill all players on the server and I believe my skills and ideas can create these events.

I know I have diverted from the topic a bit but I hope that has not harmed my chances of being accepted. To summarise, I can and will provide ideas and thoughts on a variety of events. I think my ideas can help create events that are of a great quality. My writing skills can build twists and changes in these events and can provide further lore within events, my writing abilities can be experienced in my lore team application. I have an unwavering dedication to this server which is only growing larger. I am willing to put lots of time into this position and I hope you will accept my application.


Create three unique events. Explain what it is, how you'd go about organizing it, and what resources you would require to execute it.

My first event will be around the water trial which I know has already opened but I feel like this should be the expected set of events for a new section of the maze opening. This event will occur over a few days and maybe even a week. The event would start with a griever raid, ice would slowly start spawning across the glade during this griever raid. When the sun begins to rise, gladers will be able to see a pillar made out of ice sprouting from the cooks hut. This pillar would be taller than the walls of the maze but not tall enough for the outer walls to be seen. Players would be unable to get to the top, all four doors would remain open for the next seven in game days. The glade would get covered in ice to a immense level over these seven days. All water would freeze inside and outside of the glade. The seventh trial would open after the griever raid but the runners of the glade would not be able to see that the section was open. If players entered the section before the seven in game days ended they would be able to witness another pillar of ice piercing through the ground. A hole would be around the pillar, this would be the entrance to the trial. If entered before the seven days were over they would see ice spread all across the trial. If players did not enter section seven within the seven in game days the glade would begin to flood during the seventh night. The water levels would rise just high enough for the gladers to climb to the top of the ice pillar, the water would not go over the walls. When the flooding begins a simple message would be displayed across the screens of all players on the server "water?" and would be followed by "another one? is it open?" when a player reached the top of the pillar. All four doors would open at 6:30 AM in game, water would rush out of the glade and slam into a group of banished preparing to ambush the runners. All gladers would be dragged out of the glade and pulled near the outer walls. This would cause the gladers to run towards the outer walls, banished would be ahead of the gladers by a fair amount. As the players explored the outer walls they would start to see the water flowing out of a path marked by the number seven. The players would rush into the door ready to explore this new area of the maze. They would discover the second tower of ice melting, the previously mentioned hole surrounding the pillar would have been filled with water. The players would be forced to swim through the trial, encountering large rooms labs filled with water. They would eventually encounter a small group of banished in the labs, the group would drop the final keycard of the trial, the keycard would be named "the ice chamber key". Players would enter and see a kraken in a hole filled with water, this would be the only room that wasn't completely filled with water. Gladers would dispose of the beast and be rewarded with an accessory named "The Tentacle of Terhuda". They would continue through the trial and enter a room filled with ice. If players had not found and entered the trial within the seven days they would see a figure covered in ice. The figure would slowly begin to move towards the gladers, it would attack the players. This boss would be called "The Frozen Banished" and would attack with volleys of ice and spears. After defeating the boss players would get the normal rewards for completing a trial as well as returning the glade to its original state. If players entered the trial before the end of the seven days they would proceed through the trial the same as if it was after the seven days with the exception of the banished boss. The banished boss would be replaced with a griever called "The Frost Stinger", it would give frostbite as well as the normal griever effects. After beating this boss they would restore the glade and obtain a book about the construction of the lab but would have several pages torn out. If players fought the banished boss they would see the griever boss dead in the hole that contains the kraken. This is what I would personally want for a new trial opening and while this would take a lot of time and effort I believe the community team and mods would find a way. It would require several new items to be made and a massive amount of the maze would need to be built. In terms of organising it I would call for a gathering of the gladers. During this gathering the griever raid would start and the ice would begin spawning. In the discord channel an update would be created each in game day starting with "What is happening?" and each day similar messages would be sent urging players to explore the maze.

My second event would be around a recurring event that would occur when at least 30 people are in the glade. It would be an event that has many variants that would select one version and begin that within 60 in game minutes. This version focuses on grievers and is a reworked and what I personally think is a better version of the griever raid. The event begins when scrapes and howls from the grievers echo from within the maze. If it is night they will climb over the walls and leap down. If it is day the will come rushing through, regardless of day or night they will rush to different jobs. After they enter the doors of the maze will close forcing Slicers and track-hoes will share a griever, runners and brick-nicks will share a griever, med-jacks and cooks will share one, baggers will have one and dust-boys will also have one. This is to spread them out enough so the later parts of the events feel random. When one of the grievers is killed the rest will run towards Alby's treehouse and fight there. Each griever will pull one glader with them. Once that has happened a new griever will stand atop the walls. It does not move and just watches. When a second griever is defeated the remaining grievers will run up towards the griever on the wall. Howling from the grievers will ensue until the new griever stabs into one of the other grievers and will knock down the other two of the wall, the other grievers fall into the maze not the glade. The final griever leaps down into the glade. A battle ensues, this griever is the 'forgotten griever' and has a variety of upgrades such as much more health and does a lot more damage. However it does not provide slowness and instead moves incredibly fast at players. It has a second tail that it uses to slam into players, launching them into the air. The boss will slowly lose extra plates of metal that had been attached to its normal armour. The plates of metal will be launched off in an attack than stuns the griever but shoots large amounts of metal at gladers. This fight will end when the griever loses its second tail, the second tail will get cut off by players. The griever will try to stab at a player but will instead collapse in a similar way to the first book. The griever will drop a piece of metal that is named 'griever metal', this piece of metal should only be obtainable from certain grievers such as the ones in trials. This piece of metal can be used for several things that should be decided by mods. If the first stage of the event is not completed within 36 in game hours the event will end with the glade burned and severely damaged, removing all access to abilities provided by jobs and the jobs themselves. If the first stage is complete but the second one is failed the glade will still burn and will be damaged but not to the same degree. The second stage is failed by players failing to kill the griever within 18 in game hours. All jobs will be able to be done but will provide half of the rewards and will cost double the normal amount. If the first two stages are completed but the third is failed the glade will be damaged and will be slightly on fire. To fail this stage either 20 players have to die or 18 in game hours have to pass. The jobs of the glade will work but will cost double the amount but will now wield normal amounts of resources. If the event is failed at the first stage, slashes from grievers will be across the maze walls. If the second stage is failed, the scratches will remain but to a greater degree. If the third stage is failed, two griever corpses will be in the maze as well as one on top of the walls. These corpses can not be interacted with. Scratches will also be on the sides of walls if the third stage is failed. Pieces of metal will lay around the glade but they won't be pickup-able. If the gladers complete the event there will be map changes but mainly scratches in the maze. This is one of several events that can repeat when there are a certain amount of players online, for more ideas of what the events would be look at my lore team application. To run this event you would need a working system that analyses the amount of players in the glade. It would also require new items as well as map variants for each stage. This will take a lot of time to organise but it means players can essentially make events at random times that have several endings and results.

My third event is about a ruined keeper meeting. Keepers have not been chosen yet but I believe they could be a way to create new events. I have a plethora of ideas that could create an interesting and engaging event. This is one of my ideas and this would be a more player led event. The event would begin with a normal keeper meeting discussing the different issues across the glade. It would slowly shift more towards the banished and how they have caused issues for runners. As the runner keeper would share more important details, a commotion would be heard from outside the keeper’s hut. As they would walk out, they would see a fire burning in the forest. As they would investigate the issue, they would discover an arrow. They would see a note marked with the words “beware, you can’t ignore us anymore”. The message would play across the server so all players could see it. As gladers would run out into the maze searching for the ones who shot the two arrows, the keepers would think about what the banished would be planning. They would decide that it was a trap implemented by the banished, when the rushed out to stop the other players they would discover the gladers and banished brawling deep within the maze. The fight would lead to several deaths among the gladers and banished, as the night would near players would continue fighting, unaware of what would follow. The gladers would watch as the sun began to set. Grievers would begin to appear around the battle, attacking and picking off weak enemies. The two factions would decide to work together until morning. As the two groups fought together, they would begin to hear screeches and roars that are unlike any griever’s howl. They would realise that there was a greater enemy than the grievers, a different experiment. They would begin to see a large veil of darkness emerging from the outer walls. The players would get a blindness effect, this enemy would be a failed WICKED experiment that was designed to emit darkness. The monster would slowly turn around the corner and begin to run at the two factions. It would be a 6-legged creature that would stumble around like each one of its legs were a different height to each other. The temporarily allied factions would begin fighting the creature but the fight would end fairly quickly due to the grievers still attacking the creature. The creature would get ripped to pieces as the gladers began to flee back to the glade as the sun would be rising. Most of the event would be decided by players, most of the key lore would be provided but for the most part it would be led by the gladers. The event would be announced as something simpler like a competition or the first keeper meeting, it would be something that would be ideal with lots of people. In terms of resources, it would mainly require the new enemy to be created but that is just about all that would be required to create this event. This is a smaller event that would have all of the gaps filled in by players.

Note: I did not experience much of Alby's gathering but I found that the event lacked lots of important aspects. I completely missed @Billstr0's event however I used my understanding provided from the discord server to understand what happened and I used that to build the event I previously discussed. I mainly refer to the players as gladers. I used some events and ideas from my lore team application as the two topics are very related in my personal opinion. The second event I made is only one of the variants of the recurring event. I used section seven when referring to the trial in my first event. The third event may seem boring and simple but most of it will be led by players.

Thank you very much for reading and considering. I hope to see you in the glade.



Jul 19, 2023
Reaction score
Unfortunately, we have decided not to move forward with your application. When reviewing applications we don’t only take your writing ability into account but also your presence on our server, and after discussions with the team we feel this is the best decision as of right now.