An apology (And an explanation)

BB_887 (Emerald)

New member
Dec 22, 2023
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(No, this is not me asking for an appeal, which is why its not labeled as such, but it is put into this thread incase I do get a second chance, though I am not asking for it, just rather to get this off my chest since its been haunting me for the last few months now.)

So, been a few months, finally properly mulled over my actions.
And I gotta say, for a good portion, I was an ass.
And so, I believe I owe a serious apology to the staff team, who I still believe at the time could have handled alot of things better, like communication, but, I see the reasoning behind everything, and to which, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for the words I've said, the almost hateful comments I've made, and for the asshole attitude I had way-back when.
What I'm most sorry for though, is seeking out the ire of the team, in an almost narcissistic way.

I'll be honest, I have no idea what I was thinking, I partially believe I wasn't even meaning to do any of it (considering I don't ever remember doing this on purpose).

I know my apology seems lackluster, but I've never been good with heartfelt words, I think that's shown quite a bit.

I'm also gonna clear up a small bit of misconceptions from during all the drama, just so that this book is as wide open as possible.

The 'threat' I was banned for was because of a NDA that someone agreed to, regarding what had happened during the Glader meeting, it was never meant to be an IRL threat, but a server threat, which was still carried out, atleast to my knowledge (Two groups, mine and Bills no longer trust the person that broke the NDA and have essentially been put on a blacklist from all ordeals, its been months, can't change it now).
They also agreed to the NDA, which in turn means that they knew the risk, and accepted it, and willingly caused said 'threat' to take place.
I do not believe I was in the wrong during that at all, considering they could've backed out at any moment, but if the staff wish to put the blame onto me, they can.

The discord server that the NDA was even for, was created because of mistrust between me, a couple other server members, and the staff team.
This mistrust was caused by the Netherite Factory suddenly being announced that it had 'caved in' during the meeting where we were talking about it, and with no announcement of this before hand, had led me and these couple other members to believe that the staff had done this maliciously, which after a few discussions privately, we had found that it was not the case.
(This is primarily why I suggested that changelog months ago, to hopefully prevent something like this from ever happening again)

This is all I really remember from those 6 months ago, if anyone from the staff team wishes for me to explain something, feel free to ask, but other than that, I believe thats all that was related to this drama.

Thank you for your time, and thank you, CakeCraft, for giving me fond memories to look back on, even though our relationship wasn't a smooth road.

- Emerald


New member
Sep 5, 2024
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After reading this, I do think you should have a second chance, even if it’s closely monitored. I remember back when I was on frp, I was probably a little disrespectful myself.
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New member
Aug 3, 2024
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If you don't have anything good to say about this don't say it. He is apologising and explaining his side of the story. He doesn't deserve this kind of disrespect and neither does anyone else. So just keep it to yourself as it isn't fair. If you were in his shoes you would definitely be annoyed/irritated.