- Joined
- Jul 18, 2023
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- 2
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- 1

Rules & Information
Before reading the rules, study the definitions commonly used in roleplay listed below. These may be mentioned by staff members or players. If you choose to not abide by the rules, you will face punishment either by a warn, kick, or ban.
Rules that are in the colour red are either important or can lead to severe punishment.
1.1 OOC (out-of-character): This is the name of the global chat used to communicate on the server outside of roleplay.
1.2 IC (in-character): This references anything done as your roleplay character, including any actions, words, or movements.
1.3 LOOC (local out-of-character): This is a chat also used to communicate on the server not as your character. It has a radius which can only be heard within 10 blocks.
1.4 Metagaming: Exchanging and revealing in character information through any contact out of character in order to gain advantage in a roleplay situation.
1.5 Powergaming: The act of forcing your actions upon another player without referring to the combat rules. This can also be applied to controlling another character's action without their permission.
1.6 Godmodding: The act of your character having superhuman strength, dodging every single attack, or possessing supernatural powers that humans are not intended to have, is also not allowed on the server.
1.7 FailRP: Anything unrealistic and unachievable can be classified as FailRP. This can also be considered when OOC certain principles are brought into roleplay.
1.8 AvoidRP: The act of avoiding a roleplay situation by running without action, staying in a safe zone, or logging off to avoid the situation.
1.9 RDM (Random Deathmatch): The act of randomly attacking someone without proper permissions described in combat rules.
1.10 ERP (Erotic Roleplay): Engaging in a roleplay that is considered explicit. This involves nudity or detailed unsettling actions with another player.
1.11 Void: Forcing an IC situation to no longer exist. This can only be done if a rule is broken.
1.12 F2B (Fade to Black): Fading to black is the action of skipping roleplay. This can be done in order to save time if nobody wishes to fully roleplay out the scenario. This can typically only be done with consent from all sides of the party.
1.13 P2L (Play To Lose) / Honour: The servers most common form of participating in combat roleplay. During P2L all parties involved agree to fight without the need to use the roll system, towards either a predetermined ending or something all parties can agree upon. Fights are to remain realistic & enjoyable for both sides.
2.1 All players within the community must be respectful to one another, both on the server and in third-party chats such as Discord servers or direct messages. Oppressive behaviour (racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, antisemitism, ablest, etc.) and harassment will not be tolerated.
2.2 Any decisions made by staff members of MazeRP are to be respected and considered as final.
2.2a You cannot avoid confrontation from staff members by logging off or any other means.
2.2b Going to different staff members to try and earn a different response about certain situations is not allowed. If you are concerned a staff member dealt with a situation wrongly, contact a senior member of staff.
2.3 Loop-holing our current rules is not allowed.
2.4 Do not lie to staff members or other players through any out-of-character means, this includes creating false reports.
2.5 Do not advertise any other servers, roleplay or not, within the server or community’s related servers.
2.6 Players must use English when communicating in chat.
2.7 Do not participate in conversation regarding inappropriate topics such as sexual, racial, or extremist topics.
2.7a In addition to the rule above, do not engage in any extremist or oppressive behaviours in-character that may reflect you out-of-character.
2.8 Players are not to leak personal information or dox another player’s information.
2.8a If involved with a player who is threatening your information or harassing you over a third-party messaging service, block and report their account on that respective platform.
2.9 Players are required to report rule-breakers regardless of their circumstance. Failure to do so may result in punishment on your own terms, outside of the other offender’s actions.
2.10 Spamming is not allowed in any of chat channels, including, but not limited to: Sending a similar message repeatedly in chat, or flooding chat with characters/numbers.
3.1 Do not bypass or evade punishments/bans by using alternate accounts or VPNs.
3.1a Alternative accounts used on the server should not be utilized to give you an advantage (e.g. you may not roleplay with yourself to gain information that your character would otherwise not know).
3.1b Bans can be appealed using the appealing system.
3.1c Unappealable bans are to be considered final and cannot be appealed.
3.2 “FailRP,” the act of failing to roleplay both realistically or properly, is not allowed on the server.
3.2a Do not “powergame”.
3.2b Do not engage in “godmodding”.
3.2c Do not return to a roleplay situation within ten OOC minutes after your character has been majorly assaulted/killed.
3.3 You cannot use hacks or exploits on the server.
3.3a Clients to enhance your gameplay experience are allowed as long as they do not give you an advantage (e.g. using a minimap is not allowed).
3.4 You cannot attempt to sell in-game items through any out-of-character means.
3.5 Your skin must be appropriate and follow the Player Conduct rules.
3.5a Stealing other players’ skins on the server is prohibited. This does not apply to minor details such as parts of an outfit (jackets, shoes, etc.), types of shading, or colors. For it to be considered stealing a skin, the majority of the skin must be copied.
3.6 All commands must be used for their in-game purposes (OOC cannot be used for roleplay, and IC commands cannot be used for OOC purposes).
3.6a Players may only hear past a wall if someone on the other side is yelling.
3.7 Any property (house, apartment, tower, etc.) owned in-game must remain realistic to the server and roleplay. In addition to this, the builds should be appropriate and not include any content which violates the Player Conduct rules.
3.7a You cannot have a shop or CCTV/security equipment in your property.
3.7b Administrators will only disown a property if the person has been inactive for 30 days.
3.7c Blocking signs to prevent people from purchasing a property is unallowed.
3.7d You cannot have more than one property across your accounts (including alternate accounts).
3.7e You cannot hide chests in unreachable areas (floors, walls, etc.).
3.8 Purposely stalling situations is a punishable offense. If roleplay must be paused to resolve an OOC matter, only staff members are allowed to pause it.
3.9 Any items held out must be taken in-roleplay and equally counts as a turn for your action (if in combat).
3.10 Any & all relating Discords to MazeRP should come under ownership of a MazeRP Administrator, or Senior Administrator.
3.11 If you find a bug or glitch in-game, it's your responsibility to report it to a member of staff. Abusing said bug may result in severe punishment.
4.1 All characters must be human (homosapien) with two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, and no extra limbs unless applied for through an authorization.
4.1a Characters cannot be any shorter than 4’0” (122cm) or any taller than 6’5” (195cm) without a previous authorization approved for your character to have a different height.
4.1b Characters must have an existing skin tone that exists within the human race.
4.1c Characters may only be from a real, existing country in the current world (cannot be from a made-up country or different planet).
4.2 It is heavily encouraged that your character description only entails physical features of your character, however you are allowed to include as much information as you like.
4.2a Descriptions must be at least 16 characters long.
4.2b You may not include emoticons in your character description.
4.3 Your RPName (/rpname) must have a first and last name (e.g. John Appleseed). It cannot solely be a nickname of any sorts and must include your character’s full name.
4.3a Your character’s name cannot be the same name of a real or fictional person, unless the name is common or generally unknown.
4.3b Your RPName and character name cannot be inappropriate.
4.4 You cannot be older, or younger than your IC age.
4.5 Do not create throwaway characters. This is the act of creating a character with no real purpose to develop them.
4.5a Characters must have a unique skin, meaning you cannot reuse the same skin you previously used for another character.
4.6 All players are required to roll out of 150 when roleplaying combat, unless a different rolling amount is agreed upon by all parties Out-Of-Character.
5.1 Do not metagame. This is the act of using out-of-character information to your in-character advantage, regardless of your character not knowing said details. Questions such as “can you meet me at spawn?” are not deemed as metagame
5.1a You cannot use In-Character items to communicate Out-Of-Character. This includes book and quills, or any type of phone.
5.2 Do not use emoticons in-character — the only exception is through the in-game texting feature (/text).
5.3 You cannot perform erotic roleplay. Actions that are NSFW or describe inherently erotic actions are against the rules and can result in severe punishment.
5.3a Erotic roleplay includes “erotic literature,” meaning you cannot enter anything that details something NSFW in the in-game Book and Quills.
5.3b Do not reference/mention/act on any sensitive content through your character; this includes necrophilia, paedophilia, bestiality, cannibalism, sexual assault/harassment/rape, or extensive gore (heavily detailed violence that is discomforting).
5.3c In relation to sensitive content, do not detail any roleplay related to overdosing, suicide, or self-harm.
5.4 You may not avoid roleplay interactions, commonly referred to as AvoidRP on the server (also FailRP). Logging off to avoid detention, suspension, an arrest, or refusing to log on if another person has permissions on your character, or using a different character to avoid permissions are all examples of avoiding roleplay.
5.5 Voiding can only be done if a rule is broken. Staff members have the ability to void a situation regardless of a majority vote.
5.6 Do not apply all real life principles to the roleplay universe.
5.7 Donation privileges (gadgets, models, etc.) cannot be used in roleplay, this includes disrupting other player's roleplay.
5.8 When roleplaying any kind of disorder or handicap, players must do so appropriately. Anything deemed inappropriate or offensive will result in punishment.
6.1 By purchasing off of our store you agree to our Terms & Conditions. These terms and conditions include that you are not entitled to a refund. Furthermore, if you are under the age of 16, please do not purchase off our store without your parent/guardian's permission.
6.2 Donation perks / ranks cannot be transferred to another player, or account.