Recent content by AnIdiot

  1. AnIdiot

    how do i change job?

    I'm pretty sure staff is working on fixing the way you get vote tickets that allow you to change your job. So I think currently the only way is to ask players for vote tickets.
  2. AnIdiot

    Media Team Application | NeoL3ss

    I don't need any answered as I feel I already know, thanks for reviewing it!
  3. AnIdiot

    Happy new year (in a few hours or if you are in Australia and a couple other places you are...

    Happy new year (in a few hours or if you are in Australia and a couple other places you are already in 2025)
  4. AnIdiot

    Media Team Application | NeoL3ss

    In-Game User: NeoL3ss What's your age? (Preferred, but optional): 18. Do you have Discord? If so, what's your username?: toa_tmr Punishment History: None, I don’t want it to change. Timezone: AEDT currently but most of the time it is AEST. Link any past or current applications...
  5. AnIdiot

    We must revive the forums!

    We must revive the forums!
  6. AnIdiot

    Wyatt Greenson (W.I.P)

    Nice, looks good.
  7. AnIdiot

    Let our discussions activate the forums once more.

    Let our discussions activate the forums once more.
  8. AnIdiot

    Let the forums reignited into a blaze of glory.

    Let the forums reignited into a blaze of glory.
  9. AnIdiot

    The grinding gears of forums getting posts.

    The grinding gears of forums getting posts.
  10. AnIdiot

    We can bring back its former glory

    We can bring back its former glory
  11. AnIdiot

    forums gone silent 😔

    forums gone silent 😔
  12. AnIdiot

    sericourix intro story

    No problem, its fun to make them and it helps someone out. Some minor spelling issues. Here are the corrected sentences for those. 1. The dark abyss surrounding him, was it just his thoughts or was he really here? 2. He watched the others walk towards him, in response he lifted his weapon higher.
  13. AnIdiot

    Continue The Story!

    He felt dazed and confused, the rush of the memories had made him ignore the grass, he stared down at it, watching it slowly heat up.
  14. AnIdiot

    Continue The Story!

    The smell reminded him of something or someone he loved. Note: I so badly wanna turn him into a titan AoT style.
  15. AnIdiot

    Continue The Story!

    He felt a sense of peace staring at her smile but a sense of uneasiness remained.